My partner (post ET MF) is suffering with bad sores on his tongue. He also has fluid build up in his legs and abdomen and is very fatigued. Looking for advice or information?
My partner (post ET MF) is suffering with bad sores on his tongue. He also has fluid build up in his legs and abdomen and is very fatigued. Looking for advice or information?
Hello goldfish 212 sorry to hear about your husband I too have fatigue badly that I had to leave my job I think it comes with the ET is your husband on hydroxy as this could be causing his mouth sores ? If so it might be worth thinking of changing meds have a word with you doc not sure about his fluid build up there will be a lot of others on hear who might be able to help I hope things get better for him soon and you get the Addvice you need best wishes xx
Hi Goldfish
Sending strength to you both
I have similar from what you wrote
my legs also get swollen and my stomach also my doctor finally listened an put in a test
I did a it last week in radiology that is called vascular legs segmental multi pressure multi level test
Now waiting to hear the results so I hope that helps with your question
don’t know if it has to do with the MPN
I believe it does
There are so many questions and so many unanswered from the medical field since it’s rare what we have
I hope this helps some
Sending MPN gentle hugs your way