Im now starting to get mouth ulcers, tender palate and gums.
Can anyone give offer some advice on how to treat it?
Im now starting to get mouth ulcers, tender palate and gums.
Can anyone give offer some advice on how to treat it?
is this another symptom... I keep getting this... it’s so painful!
Bonjela or bicarbonate of soda or honey. I also had a mouth guard made to protect my ulcers from my teeth. Please seek help if they don’t start to heal in 5 days.
Ask your dentist. Before I started Hydroxy mine told me get Corsadyl Daily mouthwash and use it twice a day. Also use a Soft toothbrush. Also if I did get bad mouth ulcers to get my GP to prescribe Predisolone Soluble to use as a mouthwash.
Thanks. Will do.
What do u have?
I have PV. My iron has to b kept low so ferritin is around 2.
I live with soreness on my tongue and what can only b described as bald patches and ulcers regularly. The dentist and gp referred me to a mouth specialist who told me after taking swabs for other things, that these mouth issues are common with B12 deficiencies.
There was nothing she could prescribe for it but I keep very good mouth hygiene and rinse well after brushing and use a gentle toothpaste as it can irritate.
I drink hot lemon and honey every morning which is a natural anti inflammatory.
I eat a well balanced Mediterranean diet including salmon plus vitamin supplement.
Hope this helps
Thanks Sanga. Ill look into this.
Simple speak to your health professional, tell that person about your side affects ask them to give you alternative medication if the one you are on is to blame, ask questions from them, We are all different and others my react in an other manner don't have your head filled with fear
I find good old warm salt water to rinse my mouth does the trick! I also use bonjella but usually revert back to the salt water.
Mouth ulcers are considered a sign of HU toxicity. When occasional - you may be able to tolerate - but definitely something to talk to the doc about. Suggest that you do not accept "its just mouth ulcers" if you get that response as some have reported. My docs office indicated the ulcers are the result of immune system compromise. I also ended up with a case of Thrush as a result. Something that did help with the ulcer pain and healing is a product designed for this purpose - Periosciences - AO ProVantage. No scrip needed - not expensive - and really does help. Hope that helps.
I feared it was toxicity. I dont think we have those products here. But i will try to workout an equivalent.
Thanks for your info.
Started Hydroxy June 2018 and just started getting them since the beginning of 2019. Washing your mouth with salt 2-3 times per day helps.
Thanks. I have started salt wash once a day. Will try more to see if it helps.
My dr. prescribed Magic Mouthwash and it worked very well It's a compound from the drug store. Sure hope it helps
Hi. I didn’t recall seeing your “name” before you answered mine today so I checked for your prior posts. I used to get mouth sores but after I taking Hydroxyurea correctly, modifying my toothbrush & toothpaste I no longer have the problem. Mine wasn’t at all related to toxicity. I take 9 tablets per week. If you’re still having problems I can share some suggestions. Katie
Thank KW, the ulcers went away in there own after a couple of weeks.