Hi there. I had my left hip replaced 12 weeks ago. At six weeks despite lots of movement and exercise I had a tennis ball lump sitting under my scar, which impeded certain movements and has made sitting so painful it made me feel sick. With physio and laser treatment this has reduced and dispersed, but it is now a huge swelling across my hip, buttock and thigh. I still cannot sit and lying is painful. I feel that my side is going to split it is so tight. It is not going down fast and my groin lymph nodes are swollen and aching trying to deal with it. I get sudden sharp pains from the groin down my leg which stop me sleeping. I cannot take ibuprofen and nothing I can take appears to reduce this. The orthopaedic surgeon and GP do not take any interest in this lympodema yet it is not going down my calf at all. Has anyone had a similar experience and if so how did you resolve it please? Thank you.
Post hip operation swelling and sharp pains in h... - MPN Voice
Post hip operation swelling and sharp pains in hip and leg

I forgot to say I have ET
Have you been in touch with your haematology dept? Someone must be taking notice of your situation. I do not have any experience of hip replacement, so cannot advise, just wanted to say keep on at your medics . It sounds as though you need to get it checked out. Constant pain is so debilitating especially if it is stopping you sleeping.
I do hope you get some advice and help soon.
Sandy x
Sorry, no experience of this -but I do hope you get the help you need soon.
I was engaged to an ortho surgeon for over 6 years. This sounds like an orthopedic Problem/complication for whatever reason. For inflammation, instead of meds, I always take turmeric powder 3G-7g, twice a day as a drink made with Rice milk, with a dash of pepper and some drops of oil to activate. Also a tbsp of high quality salmon oil am and pm. This helps calm the immune system also, if your body is reacting in some way. I’m just an amateur, but these old remedies work for me and my family and friends. And they don’t interfere with our meds! I know many people with hip replacements. Complications are seldom, but they exist. No matter what their age. My mother-in-law had a new knee put in at 89. she was up the next day and going well at 93. I’m really sorry for your situation, gset. I do hope you will get to the bottom of this. If necessary get a second opinion. I hope to have helped to give you help with symptom alleviation. Good luck! Anag
Hello Gset...Have you tried changing your Diet, to no Carbs, or very little...
No Bread Pasta Rice Potatoes sugar and Flour....
Pineapple fresh is Excellent and the Stalk for Bromalaine, Onions Garlic Turmeric, Green Tea...Lentals, small fish like Sardines, Grass Fed Meat..Organic Eggs lots of Veg, little Fruit, mainly Kiwis....
.No Cereals, full of GLYPHOSPHATES...
Good Luck
Thank you for your comments. Now 5 years on I have managed to reduce the inflammation, and most of the time it’s completely normal. However it does swell up again every few months due to internal inflammation and I suspect bleeding form the permanent stitch grating on flesh. My wonderful physio has help with this and I have had successful laser treatment through her which appears to keep it at bay. I have done the gluten free diet for other reasons and it doesn’t affect the hip, but I feel good on it anyway. Still tender to lie on, but manage now with a pillow under it. Interestingly an acquaintance with hip replacement of 10 years and active like me, still cannot sleep on that side. Whilst not good it reassures me that it’s not just me.