Hi my MPN friend, lot happening from my last 3-4 month. I have Et for 26 years only on aspirin and platets was 400-500, but after holidej (long flight) my hct go up to 48 and put me on venosection for8 month , was bad and put me on interferon weakly (only 5 weaks) and my old hemo. Told me I have PV, witaut BMB. He sad no need Bmb.Now I have new hemo. And he did BMB , stop interferon , end only on aspirin agen.After 8 month venosection my hct is 36 , platets 400, and result from BMB is
"these finding are most in keeping with the stated Essential Thrombocythaemia (WHO ICD 9962/3).Reticulin staining is not increased Grade MF-0.Normal erythropoiesis and minor increase in pleomohic megalaryopoiesis." I have Over 20 years diagnosis Et, 8 month PV, and agen ET. My question is BMB report is ET , way I have before hight hct 48 in blood . Blood and BMB not same , and different dijagnoza of 2 different ham. Still waiting for blood test for Jak 2 and genetic test. From 7.3.2018.i drink 1000 mg curcumin and ginger with honey frst in the moning and NONI juice, 2 lemon 3 oranges with 2 litre herbal tea.I belive in alkaloid food and try have minimum 50% every day . Thanks good not MB , becouse I have MPN for 26 years. Maybe I am good for Sam experiment ..Any similar story?