Hi friends aside from the slight rise in platelets i have also a mild macrocytosis , what ever that means , im also low on salt again even though i have uppes salt usage on meals since last blood test! ,white count up slightly also ! im sure this is all down to HU and not the mpn iteslf , i could be wrong ? regards Holly
Consultants results : Hi friends aside from the... - MPN Voice
Consultants results

My haem doctor said a raised MCV indicates you're taking your hydroxy. Iodine is lost through cooking so it's best to take it with water or sprinkled on food. The best salt to take is Himalayan salt as it contains loads of other necessary minerals. This can be taken up to 3 teaspoons per day. Table salt from supermarkets has been processed and harmful additives added and is not recommended in higher doses due to adverse affects on the body.
Here is a link all about sodium/iodine, it's in pdf format and quite large, I hope you can view it.
Thank you fee , is it the pink salt they sell in Holland ANd Barret ? its called himallaynan rose salt .. regards Holly
Sorry fee, butting in here.
Poundland sell it in a big container, about 8ins tall, with a grinder. It’s all I ever use, for cooking and at the table. It’s the cheapest I have found.
Judy x
I'd say that would be ok. There's a variety of salts available but the pink one is the most popular. You can get a black one that has kelp I think and one with a lot more sulphur in it (nice on eggs). I come from New Zealand and they sell it at health food stores and the supermarkets now.
You could even look up iodine sprays for under the tongue.
Thank you Fee , yes i got the pink himalayan salt its nice used it last night its much nicer even than the sea salt we used ! its the HU that lowers sodium levels then ? only most of us here are told cut back on salt for high blood pressure etc unusual for on to have to take more salt best wishes Holly
Most doctors etc only analyse the effects of table salt which has an extremely high level of sodium and iodine is added (hence iodised table salt). Plus if you look at the process of making salt and what they do with it can only have a bad affect on the body. Himalayan salt has smaller amounts of iodine/sodium but the array of other minerals that are all from a natural source work synergistically and easier for the body to absorb.
Hi Judy , thats great thank you so much for reply hope your doing great regards Holly x
I’m not too bad thanks Holly, a few health problems but nothing to do with my PV! X
same here ! oh i got the salt and so much cheaper than holland n barrat eh thanks again and i wish you well xx