My consultant said I'm aiming for 45 but I thought it was 42. I did question it but he said it's definitely 45. Am I wrong or where does it say it?
What is the hct level women are aiming for? - MPN Voice
What is the hct level women are aiming for?

My heam aims for .45 but I know some feel better with it at .42. I think opinion varies between heamatologists and also from USA to UK.
Best wishes
as Judy says, also different lab testing kit may have different "normal" ranges
I've always thought, from what I have read , that it was 42 for women and 45 for men. Personally, I feel quite 'thick-headed' if my HCT goes above 42 and am much clearer if it's 38.
Hi Emeralddpv. My hospital aim for 45 or under. I never actually feel any different whatever it is . My highest was 62 but now hovers around 36-37.
Lesley x
Interesting that you don't feel different. I was hoping this headache would actually go!
The reason the target is 45 is that above that cerebral circulation starts to get impaired. This is for humans in general and inevitably some people will feel it a bit below just as some can go a bit above with no problem. Cerebral circulation is dependent on each persons individual pattern of blood vessels but these are virtually impossible to assess beyond the major arteries supplying the brain so an average target has to be adopted.
My haemo definitely said 45
Mine are sticking at 51 for months now, every thing else normal and platelets low.See consultant in two weeks,but my G P who works closely with him,and is knowledgeable of my P V is not unduly worried....this is France ....maybe different again!!!
I am looked after at a leading Blood Hospital in France.,tested every month,not just blood but heart etc, so for the moment I doubt I could improve on that! Hydrea works slowly ,H C T is expected to go down soon,platelets are low.When diagnosed my H C T was 80 ! I survived who knows how it all works,I am not worrying ,that is for sure,health care here is second to none and P V was discovered by a French Dr. Think their knowledge of it here is good,unlike other places. Hopefully!!
13 years ago my hemo kept me under 38. Slowly we've progressed to 45. I actually feel best around 40-- not too anemic but not too sluggish.
Research I read indicated 45... but my specialist at the Mayo Clinic (in US), absolutely insists for women the safety range to avoid clots is under 42. (45 for men).
My MPN specialist wanted me at 42 or a little under, as I am female. He said 45 for men.