What does it mean if your read blood cells are enlarged and are 108?
Red blood cells: What does it mean if your read... - MPN Voice
Red blood cells

Hi Sand19
Are you on hydroxycarbamide? From my research and discussions with my haematologist, Hydroxycarbamide causes enlarged red blood cells (and for you to have fewer of them) and this shows up in test results in the 'MCV' (mean corpuscular volume I think) number. I am guessing that is the 108 number you have seen
Worth discussing with your haematologist but I have been told (and read) it does not cause any medical problems
I take 1000g of hydroxycarbamide daily and also have enlarged red cells (MCV 115 recently). The important thing your haematologist will monitor is haemoglobin level and as long as this is normal, it is unlikely that they will change medication.
Despite low RBC and high MCV since I started on hydroxycarbamide 2 years ago, my haemoglobin remains normal.

hello sand19, this page on our website might help you mpnvoice.org.uk/about-mpns/...
and also the MCV, mean cell volume, can go up in certain conditions (for example thyroid, liver disease, B12 or folate deficiency) but also usually with hydroxyurea treatment, so it would be best to speak to your haematologist about this. Maz
If it means anything my MCV (haven't been diagnosed with anything officially yet) was 80 in 2016 and then 81 in 2017