I have never had this before . My head has been normal shaped .quick brief history ...I'm 36 female . I have had two cyst cut out . I do have sinus problems , can't use my nose at all always blocked , can't smell . My ridge in my head feels itchy at times , burning feeling ... Not all the time . If you touch it I get a slight headache , nothing to worry about tho. Please get back to me
My head has a ridge groove , crown to forehead - MPN Voice
My head has a ridge groove , crown to forehead
Hello, I am don't think that we can help you, you will need to speak to your doctor about this. Do you have a MPN, myeloproliferative neoplasm - either Essential Thrombocythaemia (ET), Polycythaemia Vera (PV) or Myelofibrosis (MF)?
As far as I know Im healthy . I have never heard of this happening to anyone before . It's A little scary of the Unknown . Was hoping to get a answer . But thank you so much for writing back means a lot
You will need to speak to your doctor about this, we are unable to help you, or to give you any advice. Maz
Yes I will speak to my doc . Nothing wrong with giving advice if u have had or heard of this happening 😄
I have a doc appointment on Wednesday . It can't come sooner enough . It's hard not knowing anything at all
Sorry to hear you have problems. Kindest regards Aime xx
Hi, just wondered what your outcome was, I have the same symptoms