Home visit for PIP: Eeeeeh, I have just received... - MPN Voice

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Home visit for PIP

nodmeister profile image
27 Replies

Eeeeeh, I have just received my brown PIP envelope regarding my consultation with a health professional which is for next Tuesday, June 7, at my House? Anyone else had a home visit and what should I expect?

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nodmeister profile image
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27 Replies

They wouldn't do a home visit to me despite being unwell

I had to do an 80 mile round trip to their office and not wishing to put you off I wish I hadn't bothered as I felt demoralised.

I had to give up work at 60 because it got too much but receive no pension yet as the rules have changed regarding age so I thought I might qualify for something at least .

Maybe I was unlucky with the health professional I had but in the end when I had a copy of her report I had a score of zero! I have not been successful on any claim I have tried as I'm not I'll enough., despite having et , a heart condition and depression

I hope you have better success and wish you luck Jk

nodmeister profile image
nodmeister in reply to

Hi jk. These people are so inconsistent. I didn't ask for a home visit, the centre for me is in Dorchester and not far from my daughters work. The works and pension website is well worth a visit, if you haven't already. You cannot just be left with nothing, so wrong. I don't expect anything except hassle next Tuesday and then the appeals battle will no doubt start. I just need to drag that energy out from somewhere. I wish you the very best of luck.

Nod XX

eire profile image
eire in reply to

I had to finish work early and successfully claimed invalidity. Hope you get the right advice. Good luck.

millycat profile image
millycat in reply to

It doesn't seem fair does it. Like you I gave up work early , as I couldn't cope with my full on job . I took my work pension early and am living on what little money I have am not entitled to anything from the state because I have worked hard all my life and supported myself and put away for a rainy day. My state pension seems so far away at 66 ....although at one point I only had 6 years left to go now at 58 I've still got 8 years to go. On the plus side since giving up work I feel so much better and I am a lot luckier than some.

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to

Please appeal, my husband was turned down at first. The so called doctor that visited him wrote on his report that he could climb stairs, bearing in mind we were living in a bungalow because he couldn't do stairs. It took a year for his appeal to come through causing us to lose our home as we couldn't keep up the mortgage with no income from him. We also had to hand our car back to the dealership. The appeal went in his favour and he got a years back pay but at what cost. I was devastated when we lost our bungalow. The benefits agency even had to pay for someone to decipher the doctors writing as it was just scribble. If I saw him today I would spit in his face, sorry to be so rude but he ruined our lives.

I can relate to all your comments, I'm 57 and work full time. Last year I was so ill and struggling to work that I applied for ppi. The Macmillan nurse supported me with my application and was confident I would get something. I scored 0. I didn't even bother to appeal, it left me embarrassed and humiliated, I couldn't even tell anyone what I had done. I am still working full time, I have bought 4 extra week's leave at a great expense so that I can take more days off at regular intervals to prevent the dreaded fatigue kicking in. This also allows me to keep the payments up on my pension, which I am hoping to take at 60. Although with no other income maybe that is a pipe dream as it is very small and I too have to wait until 66 for the state pension. Good luck with your claim nodmeister I genuinely hope you have a successful outcome.

Hughesf profile image
Hughesf in reply to

I had to give up work 9 months ago.

I to had a home visit and because I can put a kettle on and wash myself etc I scored 0

jillydabrat profile image

I had one recently and she was lovely. It wasn't just my PV that I claimed for though as I have long term health issues. Don't be worrying, if you don't feel you can do anything he/she asks you then don't do it. Be calm and honest and I am sure you will be fine. Good luck on the day x

lizzziep profile image

Although it seems dishonest you should greatly exaggerate any problems you have as this is what they expect!! They will take note whether you answer the door yourself, whether you can make yourself a drink (that's a no-no by the way) whether you need help to dress yourself, (say you do) tell them you need help bathing and with general household tasks, also make sure you don't walk confidently , even a few steps, while they are there. Make sure you have someone else there to help you. My friend made sure there was a stool in her small kitchen to show she needed support in there, she often does but you have to tell them you always need it. When asked to move your limbs independently make sure you show how difficult you find that. Unfortunately the people who do the tests are very different and many have no idea just how difficult life can be with any type of disability. There are no guarantees, there was a case on tv the other day of a man with half a skull and severe disabilities who was told he was fit for work. Sometimes they say you are fit for work just to make up the numbers, if you are refused please appeal even if they have made you feel a fraud - that's what they rely on! There are so many people who get this benefit who shouldn't- I used to work in the post office and so many people used to come in to collect their money and laugh about the fact they were actually very fit - it was one of the reasons I left - it made my blood boil.

Good luck

nodmeister profile image
nodmeister in reply to lizzziep

Thanks. I have Lumbar root nerve damage too and that is bloody debilitating. I get injections in the facets for those. I followed the fantastic works and benefits site for my ESA and also for this. My G.P. told me appeal, appeal, appeal and eventually you'll get a qualified person to do the job. My husband will be here too. I know I'll burst into tears immediately, being a wooz. I have put a record app on my phone too.

Nod x

jillydabrat profile image

have you applied for incapacity benefit?

nodmeister profile image
nodmeister in reply to jillydabrat

I've had that for years, now ESA.

JediReject profile image

Hi Nodmeister might be a tad tight timewise but i advise everyone i know claiming ESA / PIP to join on line site Benefits and Work fee abt £20. Much good advice and a walk through of q and a's. .,It doesn't guarantee success but does increase your chances many fold.

As you may be acutely aware be wary as assessors are trained to look for every and any sign that indicates a level of doing for yourself from how you get in out your chair, how you mobilise, if you wave your hands about it illustrate speech as many of us do, using stairs, what aids you need or say you need and so on.

I wish you luck because as others have said it can depend on how each doc finds and they will vary in their approach. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask. You need score 8 points for standard care / mobility and 12 for the enhanced rate. . . Cheers Chris

light profile image
light in reply to JediReject

Hi Chris, did you join with Benefits and Work? I have heard of them but not sure what is the way they can help when you join them.

Wishing you well

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to light

Most definitely I did. Their advice was invaluable with all aspects of three forms covered and where you score points and how many are allocated per activity. You could get 8 points if you used a number of aids for cooking bathing dressing but DWP may have changed this since. Go on their site and browse examples. Of course it's up to each individual whether they consider it's value for money but it is for me. . .

light profile image
light in reply to JediReject

Thank you Chris. Will consider it. Did they help you directly as to filling the forms and directly communicating with them? I familiar with their site but once your pay the fee for membership are they more involved with the whole process?

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to light

Yes there are walk throughs of the questions on the form but it's up to you to assimilate the information and use it to context your own day to day problems with activities such as dressing, undressing, cooking, toilet needs, dealing with other peops, communicating. , and if it affects you mobility issues. .

light profile image
light in reply to JediReject

Thank you so much for this info Chris. This is very helpful not just for me but for all others involved in this situation.


JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to light

No problem Light. .

nodmeister profile image
nodmeister in reply to JediReject

Been with them since Noah thanks Jedi, and I most definitely agree, you can't afford NOT to join. They have got so many people through assessments, appeals etc.

light profile image

Hi, I agree with Chris. Chanel 4 did undercover investigation and a man joined the team of one of three agencies, Athos, .......and other two, can't remember names...These agencies train their staff for not to award PIP, DLA, ESA etc...The investigation outcome was appalling. In that site Benefits and Work they will have a full story about that investigation, or on c 4.

Wishing you well

I too was left humiliated and embarrassed and like Indy- Pindy have not appealed .it left me more depressed than when I started the claim!

I also have worked all my life and now receive no pension until I'm 66 and rely on my husbands income . It seems quite a few of us are affected and it seems very unjust , but I keep telling myself I'm better off than some other poorly people . Let's hope there's a rethink about benefits .

light profile image

Hi nodneister, if I was in this position I would invite a friend or a family member to be with me on that day. So they are looking after you, helping and supporting you and are your witness too through the process of PIP consultation.In case you will have to appeal against their decision....

Wishing you well

nodmeister profile image

Thanks light, my husband will be here and I have a recording app on my phone now.

Nod X

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to nodmeister

You're doing everything you can and are clearly savvy of the pitfalls which gives you the best chance of a successful outcome. . A stressful episode non the less in my view. A useful topic which might help others with their PIP. Personally I dislike the whole sordid system which now effectively isn't fit for the purpose it was set up for. Partly due to abuse of it but mainly due to driving the benefit budget down which unfortunately impacts genuine cases. I'm sure for what it cost to pay these contracts to private companies it would be cheaper to simplify the system and use GP and Consultant expert knowledge of their patient as it was. , just my view. Cheers Chris

nodmeister profile image

Never a truer word said Chris.


nodmeister profile image

Eeeehhhhhh, I have just had the smiling assassin in for 1 hour 20 mins, well she left an hour ago!!!! My G.P. summoned me this morning as he got a letter from Atos to fill in about me. I'll just pass on copies of what I wrote! Said I'll hear in 4 - 6 weeks. I cannot believe I actually FORGOT to press record on my bloody phone. So cross with myself. Oh well, prep for appeal now I suppose........


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