Hi so had my first 3 venesections and my haematocrit fell from 0.51 to 0.48 and haemoglobin basically down to acceptable range but platelet count rose from like 400 to 520. Have other people seen this - the nurses said that's quite normal and it often stabilises after a month or so...would be great if it did !!
Rising platelets: Hi so had my first... - MPN Voice
Rising platelets

When you have blood taken, it can trick your body into thinking its been bleeding, so as a result it increases the number of platelets in your system.
Thats my understanding anyway, im sure someone may have a more 'medical explanation' but i think thats pretty much the reason.
Yes. This happened to me. I had my first rounds of phlebotomies (that's what venesections are called here in the US), and after my 2nd phlebotomy, my platelets went from 850 to 950, in about a week. I was worried and checked in with my haem. He said since I remained asymptomatic, we would just continu with weekly CBC and count monitoring. Many PV patients who are on a Facebook page I belong to said this is very common. I also hope my platelets lower and stabilize, as the phelbotomies did a fantastic job lowering my hematocrit and hemaglobin levels. I am currently being managed with low-dose aspirin and phlebotomies.
Your platelets ride when your body thinks it is losing blood. It happened to me when I became anaemic.
Hi, I started off having venesections and my platelets rose, as others have commented. For me they didn't come down without treatment so I stopped having venesections and instead used hydroxycarbamide.
I hope for you it does stabilise, but if it doesn't and other treatment is necessary then it isn't the end of the world, there are treatments which will bring all the cell lines into order.
Good luck
Hello Chris, my platelets always rose after a venesection. I was told in simple layman's language that when we have a phlebotomy the body is alarmed so the platelets take action to stop the body bleeding excessively. I wonder which man you have. Best wishes, cheri
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