Ain't this the truth !!
Are you having a deep thoughtful moment ? - MPN Voice
Are you having a deep thoughtful moment ?
Sure is for me - direct to my bat cave oops I mean my man cave . . go directly do not pass Go . do not collect 200 pounds. . . I'm not in denial I'm in retreat. After a wee break I'm ready to face the world once again. X
Well Jedi's the only way to cope in this crazy modern noisy world ..some turn to meditation ,,some to drugs and / or alcohol ,,some to religion ..but to really survive all of life's rich ,colourful ,pattern ..we must learn when and how to take a step back ,then to recharge the batteries , Then like a moth or a butterfly ,re emerge. Even stronger and sometimes more beautiful ..taking time for ourselves is being wise as well as rejuvenating ....kisses ...
So true Twinkly. My time is early morning when everyone is still in bed and I have the house and garden to myself. Perfection !!!!! x Hi Jedi, I wonder if there is a name out there for a lady cave!!!!! I want one.....................Keep up the wonderful wise posts Twinkly they are so comforting and appreciated. x
Hello Indy P , , , , I had a few little sherbets tonight and I thought you said Lady shave due to my blurry eyes so its as well I re-read it wi mi spex on. . My wife has a 'lady cave' it's called Debenhams. I wish I could shine and rise in the morning as it can be the best part of the day. . I always either wanted to be a milkman to be up and out by 4AM and drive one of those 3 wheel floats or a Lollypop guy as they don't start work til they're 65. . . .
Love JR x
LOL you are so funny Jedi :)
I write sum dodgy stuff when I've had a few. . but if it makes someone crack a smile then at least I haven't totally wasted 15 quid and a night hopping in and outta bed for a jimmy riddle . . . . Maybe I should take a leaf from your book and go out in the wee sma' oors into me front garden in me Y fronts and maybe do some Tai Chi . x
One of the joys of age is you are allowed to advise with out being a know all ,,,smart arse !! Thank you ,I'm so glad you enjoy .....xx
Having a few moments to yourself is essential, sometimes your mind needs time alone to sort itself out.
By the way I hope you and your dogs are ok! X