Get in touch to let us know if interested ,a Wednesday in October ,your best date ?
Shall we have a coffee morning in Cambridge in O... - MPN Voice
Shall we have a coffee morning in Cambridge in October ? Let maz know a date if you are interested ! I can arrange it with cancer support ,,

II am in Surrey so it would be roughly a two hour drive to meet at the center but as I can't manage the London venue this seems a good idea. Any Wednesday would seem OK at the moment. I will wait to hear further news. Thanks for the suggestion.
Linds x
Linds I will arrange it for late morning ..maz can send the link for the venue ,it's map and directions .wednesdays are best the centre is open all day ..till 4 o'clock .ill ring Mary ,ill book it up then publish a date ,,, twinkly. Xx
Hi Linds, the address for the centre is The David Rayner Building, The Cambridge Cancer Help Centre at Scotsdales garden centre, 120 Cambridge Road, Great Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5JT, this link will take you to their website Kind regards, Maz.
Hi Linds ,how you doing ..I spoke to Mary the organiser at scotsdales , she really liked us visiting them last time we had our get together ..she is very pleased we are going again.. I hope a few more can make it on October 22 nd ,,at around eleven o'clock ..
All the best. Twinkly. X