I do eat regular meals but quite often by 4.00 p.m., I feel really weak and limbs shakey. Just wondered if this was related to the PV or something else as I have a bad habit of blaming everything on my PV.
PV, treated by venesection and anti-histamines o... - MPN Voice
PV, treated by venesection and anti-histamines only. Does anyone else suffer from the shakes - could be low blood sugar?

I suffer constantly with weak and shakey and I have ET. I eat regular but by tea-time I am ready to eat everything in sight while teas cooking. Other people seem to just get hungry and can wait for their tea, me - well I feel like I will pass out with starvation, I become distracted, can't concentrate and get really weak and shakey and end up eating everything in sight before tea. Sorry you suffer from this too Aime, but good to know I am not alone.

Mallard, thank you for your reply. I certainly have the "starved feeling" too but just thought I was being greedy or something! I too become distracted, can't concentrate and the weak and shakey feeling. Oh well, at least we know it is probably our illness and sorry too that you are suffering from this. Regards Aime
Hi, I have Secondary Polycythaemia and I experience the same even when doing the most trivial / simplest of things..
Sometimes anaemia can cause these symptoms to feel worse as a result of multiple venasections... though some haematologists like that, to help slow the cell production. . It can make you feel far worse than you were, (it does for me)
You could ask your GP or Haematologists to check you.. (remember you have Polycythaemia. . So your red blood cells say you are not anaemic because you produce to many:[sometimes to many white cells too] )
B12, Folic And Iron can be associated with anaemia. . I hope that helps.