Hi everyone, well as you can see HealthUnlocked have now launched their new platform and it certainly does look different! The HU team have been working extremely hard to ensure that the transition to the new look platform went as smoothly as possible, however, they have encountered some technical issues and some of you may have experienced a few problems when posting etc, if you continue to experience any problems please email me at maz.cd@mpdvoice.org.uk and I can ask the HU team to help.
Apart from the new look, other changes are:
Our HealthUnlocked URL has changed, it is now healthunlocked.com/mpdvoice, a redirect has been set up for 1 month only, so you will need to update your bookmarks on your browsers.
Blogs are now called ‘posts’ and all posts will now be assigned a category which will help to keep them sorted, I have added some categories but have probably not covered all subjects so I will add new ones when required, so now when you post you will need to assign a category from the list at the bottom on the ‘create a post’ page. Tags will now automatically be assigned to any new post, before you publish the post you will see all the tags and will have the option to remove any that you feel are not appropriate, just click on the red X, you will not be able to add any custom tags.
Pinning, which can only be done by me, the admin, (sorry) but it will give me the opportunity to make certain posts, questions or polls stand out and will appear at the top right of the respective page for all members to see.
Recommend button, this will increase the interaction among our community and will give all users the ability to recommend a post they like and help it stand out as all members browse through the posts and responses, the recommend button is at the bottom right corner of each post.
I do hope you haven’t experienced too many problems with the change over and would just like to say, please carry on posting, and asking and answering questions, the support given to all the members of our community is amazing.
Best wishes to you all.
MPD Voice