I came across this note written by Jody Day on ten things she had learned after '10 years of Gateway Women' - I thought it was so fabulous. Here's what she says about being cnbc:
1. You are not alone. (the numbers are 1 in 4 women are childless not by choice for [the 1960s/1970s] cohort, an avg. of 1 in 5 across the developed world). And there are amazing role models and mentors if you look for them.
2. You have nothing to be ashamed about. You have done nothing wrong by being childless and you ARE nothing wrong by being childless. This is internalized pronatalism talking...
3. You need to educate yourself about pronatalism and raise your consciousness so that you are no longer in its grip. Pronatalism is the ideology that says that being a parent is the only way to be a fully mature adult - and being a mother is the only way to be a fully realised, satisfied and 'real' woman. It's a belief system - it's not the truth. It's no 'truer' than racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, homophobia or any other divisive, hierarchical ideology that makes one kind of person more 'valuable' than another.
4. You're not crazy, you're grieving.
5. You're not bad at friendships. But some of your friends with children might be.
6. Your family are often the least likely place that you'll get support and understanding for your childlessness. So stop going to the hardware store for milk.
7. Find your tribe, invest in them, cultivate deep friendships which will sustain you over the life course. It will make dealing with your family, colleagues and childed-friends a lot easier if you keep your cup filled with women who 'get' you.
8. Coming through the fire of childlessness changes you. It burns away the bullshit. You will become a new version of yourself that you can't yet predict. You will like her a lot. Not everyone will agree with you
9. Aging without children is not something to be afraid of - unless you choose to remain in denial about the challenges ahead and to plan for them.
10. There are many ways to find and live a meaningful life. What brings you meaning and joy will change over time. There's no one 'Plan B' but many. Stay open, stay curious, stay connected and life will keep offering you new paths to meaning.