Amazed at what people have to put up with. Just reading entries on here of the pain people experience makes me feel very humble. Yes, I am completely useless when I have a bad episode but not in comparason to the way people carry on despite the immense pain they feel everyday!! Read "the Migraine Monologues" where no account of the pain was the same.
One account described flashing cartoon stars. My God, I realised I used to have these images very young and they occur espcially when I am unwell. Might be able to link this with an occasion where I fell in the playground and saw lines running down my eyes for the rest of the day. Of course, I thought I was mad and that no-one would believe me! Perhaps they didn't.
Have put the migraine monologues up on the staff communication board amongst the adverts for renting bedrooms and language lessons. That covers about 3,000 people that I work with in the hospital. Surely one of them will take notice. I have also put one in our department in the kitchen. Someone is bound to pick it up if I steal the Metro.