Migraine is a real illness.
It has plagued me since the age of 17-18 and has terrorised my life. I am 28 now, married at 25. No children.
It is a debilitating illness and should be classed as a genuine disability. You can't do anything when you have a migraine.
Yesterday I had a thunderclap migraine. These are rare, and I started getting them the other year. They can be nasty and make me violently sick.
I find it difficult to hold down a full time, permanent job because no employer exists that will knowingly hire someone who suffers from migraine. Then they don't understand when you need time off because you're such an inconvenience to them. Doesn't seem to matter how hard you work, or what you have to offer the company - all gets blown out the water when you have one day off for a migraine. They just don't understand. I'll never have a positive reference because I always end up having to take time off.
Also, how many times have you heard someone say it's 'just' a bad headache? Makes me wish they suffered instead of me, so I could ask them how it made them feel. I've suffered with them for ten years, can't eat and drink whatever I want, can't do anything strenuous. I just can't have a full, proper life like other people my age.
It makes me so frustrated. I seem to get them whenever they come and find me - I've tried all kinds of preventives and triptans but nothing worked - it either made no difference, gave me terrible side effects or exacerbated the migraine. Now I have developed all these other conditions and I just can't seem to cope with how my life is. It's very upsetting.
On one occasion I had a cluster migraine last for around 11 days. Migraine costs a lot of money in time off work. I've now developed CFS, Anaemia and IBS to boot, meaning more time off.
I just can't control my body. I feel trapped and depressed.
I can't be the only one to feel like this, but I honestly feel that way at times.
As always - Why Me?