Have been reading about people getting electrodes put in their head to stop migraine pain - i believe it's called occipital nerve stimulator? Anyone heard of this or tried it? Would be very interested to hear more about it as i have tried almost everything.
Occipital nerve stimulator - electrod... - National Migraine...
Occipital nerve stimulator - electrodes to stop pain - anyone tried this?

Yes, I have this done around every 3 months for cluster headache - tried all meds nothing worked. Also tried steroid injections to the occipital nerve which helped but side effects not nice.
It's called PENS therapy and is done by a neurosurgeon. There may therefore be a wait list.
First time I had it it didn't work but the next two gave relief which seems to last a couple of months. It's not painful - bit uncomfortable. I recommend. Good luck!
Is this similar to Botox? I am on the waiting list to get that. Do you have to have any tests done prior?
I had an ONS implanted about five years ago, all other anti-migraine treatments having failed. The success rate is about 50% in as much as about half the people who have the device find their headaches are less intense or less frequent as a result. It is a major decision: you have a hard lump in your abdomen about the size of a can of sardines and the device has to be recharged every three or four days. My device was initially not the rechargeable type and when the battery failed after two years I had to wait over a year to get a replacement unit because local health authorities are not keen to fund a very expensive treatment. I seemed to derive considerable benefit the first time round. The second unit does not seem to have helped and now I'm having Botox injections which is a much better option in almost every respect: less hassle, cheaper and much more effective.
Oh that sounds awful! Not sure it is the same thing as Beckygeorge talks about above? I did botox for first about 6 wks ago but hasnt helped at all Getting a bit desperate now!
The implant is different. It was my next step if the pens therapy didn't work. The Pens is under the skin at the back of the head under local anasthetic and takes around half an hour.
I have the pens at my hospital. I was referred to a neurologist there via my GP. It can be used for migranes.