Has anyone tried Vydura (rimegepant) either as a migraine preventative or as a migraine treatment? What are your experiences of it? What are the side effects? Is it effective? I have tried many migraine preventatives, none of which are currently effective! I use rizatriptan and OTC painkillers as migraine treatments. I have a neurologist appointment at the end of June so am wondering about requesting Vydura either as a treatment or preventative to try. Any information would be appreciated
Vydura tablets : Has anyone tried... - National Migraine...
Vydura tablets

They were going to try me on it but after a wait of 6 months, 3 phone calls, 3 emails and 3 doctors letters l had a reply which stated that l didn't qualify to have them because l get to many headaches a month. Don't wait for an eternity, go and buy some and see if they work, they cost about £12 each and are taken every other day.
That was it, l was put on Aimovig at a cost of £386.50p a month, double the pill cost, seems to have helped but comes with weight gain. 400mgs of B2 a day and a probiotic along with a low dose propranolol have helped me for years. If l get a bad day l take a 2.5mg Zolmitrapan, seem to get more auras than headaches, neck pain always occurs with the headache. Don't bother with all the talk about fragrant oils, just as well use oil from the chippy.😀
Hi there, I tried Rimegepant recently after pretty much exhausting all other options and waiting nearly 2 years for it to be available in the NHS ( I’m in the UK). Unfortunately it didn’t have any effect at all, positive or negative. It’s definately worth a try though because everyone is different and it does work for some people. Good luck
Thanks for your reply. I’m in the UK also. Did you try it as a preventative? I’m reluctant to try monthly CRGP injections and vydura seems like less of a commitment!
I was actually prescribed it as an abortive as my migraines are chronic (they’ve actually been every day for a couple of years now) but when that didn’t work I tried it as a preventative. I did this off my own back as the dosage is the same as if you were treating one. Unfortunately neither way of using worked for me. I’m currently on Galcanezumab 1xminty injection but I don’t think that does anything either. I was previously on Framenzunab as a monthly injection which helped initially with the severity of my migraines but not the frequency. I switched to Galcanezumab to see if that would work better but unfortunately not. My neurologist has said I can try Atogepant as soon as they are able to prescribe it. Although NICE has approved it it’s taking time to be rolled out. Definately try Vydura as it may well work for you. If not do give the monthly injections a try, as I say Framenzunab helped with the severity of mine. It’s so rubbish isn’t it but hopefully you can find something that works for you. I also use the Lloyds pharmacy migraine tens machine which I couldn’t live without now, have you tried that? It can get rid of a migraine if caught early enough but otherwise is a welcome distraction/relief from the pain. I wouldn’t be without it now, also migraine cool caps are a great thing to have on rotation during an attack if you’ve not tried them already. Fingers crossed you find something that works for you x
Sounds like you’ve really tried everything. It’s so hard, isn’t it? I have a cefaly tens machine which I use everyday. I’ll give Vydura a try. I haven’t tried the migraine cool caps either, so I’ll give those a go too. Fingers crossed Atogepant works for you once it’s available.
I have not tried this. But donyiu know about the "heads up" podcast? It has been amazing. It is by 2 UK female migraine specialist. I hope you can be helped by them. Also, are you taking magnesium as a preventative? There have been studies that show people with chronic migraines benefit from high doses.
I take 1500mg, 3-500mg tablets 3x a day. If you find the right type if could help.
Many people don't take enough. Research all.the types. It takes about 3 months to see the difference. But once you find the right type you will notice less painful episodes, then you will.get less in a week.
Good luck
Thank you. I’ve tried magnesium for many months, but maybe I didn’t take enough! The Heads Up podcast is good, isn’t it?
If you tried it and you did not need a reduction in pain and number per.week, try switching the type and increase the amount you take. The moon dose helps a lot, I usually start to feel a migraine start so I take the noon dose and it goes away. You can also look at Feverfew, I take that with the magnesium and they both help a lot.
Enjoy the Podcast, hope you get to see a migraine specialist, they really make a difference l.
Take care
I’ve been taking it as a preventative for about 6 weeks and went from about 14 migraines per month to 2-3. I’m buying on a private prescription as my GP surgery has so far said it’s too expensive for them(It’s too dear for me, too but I don’t feel I have a choice). I’ve also given up cheese and am taking B2, magnesium and CoQ10.
I hope you find a good solution for you.
Hi, I’ve just started taking atogepant, also on a private prescription as it isn’t available in my nhs trust yet (although it is in some areas of the nhs). Only been a week, haven’t noticed any difference yet but doctor says it can take 6 months to build up to full effect so I’ve got my fingers crossed! All feels like such a lottery. Really pleased rimegepant is working for you
Rimagepant has worked for me. I've been on it for six months. I rarely need painkillers now. I still get throbbing in temples and like mice in my scalp. It's done nothing for the vertigo (marshmallow floor) which is as bad as ever. Good luck.