Having basically lost my career over the last 10 years due to the intense destruction of chronic migraines in my life, and struggling to get through each day (and I mean every day) due to the constant crushing pain of migraines, I am posting this in case it can help anyone else. I know it won't be a solution for everyone, and there are many root causes, but HRT has transformed my life. (I'm 52).
Everytime I called my local medical centre over the years, I would get rotated between GPs, and get a different prescription - and after a few moments conversation, was diagnosed with everything from depression, anxiety, etc. and even prescribed anti-epilpsy tablets, and anti-psychotic drugs!
I felt my life was in ruins, was on the verge of losing my job as I couldn't function any more and was literally hanging on day-by-day for my daughter.
Enter "Davina's series on menopause". As mad as it sounds, no GP had EVER mentioned that my symptoms may be related to menopause. Yes, I knew they were related to my hormones, but I never made the connection as I couldn't join the dots due to the constant haze of pain that I was in.
So, 4 months ago I called my GP to simply say that I wanted to go on HRT. OMG!!! It has been like somebody flipped a switch. Only had one mild migraine which lasted 1 day in the last 4 months (I used to be bed ridden for 3-4days at a time), which I think was when I 'over-caffeinated'.
Anyway - sorry for the long post. But wanted to post this in case it can help anyone else out there. It has literally changed my life, and saved my family life. No exaggeration.
Wishing you all a pain free day...