Something very strange happened to me last night. I was on bed as usual, watching a twitch stream that I'd been trying for most of the day to watch through. I'd shifted my position because of another complaint in my thigh so that I now sat towards the corner of my room, and ended up leaning against the wall itself.
When I got up I found that I'd lost circulation, and waited for my hand to feel normal again. But something felt wrong about it. It was more...intense than I'd ever felt. As expected it went down my arm, across my hand and through my fingers, even to my fingertips. And then it went back up through my little finger and even my lip and eye began to tingle.
At this point I panicked and took my migraine tablet. Everything seemed to calm down after that. Except for some trembling (I was scared). But later that night I even woke up and couldn't remember the words to a Futurama line that had been stuck in my head for the past week.
I'm not sure what it was. It felt like a migraine but maybe I was just freaking out. Going numb brings on some very strong reactions with me...
What do you guys think? Migraine? Or just me getting circulation back?