Feeling rather poorly at moment. Chronic migraine sufferer. Currently on highest dosage of toprimate I can take and I am currently also alongside taking a beta blocker candesartan as my neurologist prescribed it a month ago. Tried previously propanolol and side effects were horrendous. Neurologist advised to take alongside toprimate and thinks toprimate has now ceased to be effective.
I suffer on average with 3- 4 migraines a week lasting up to 24hrs each and though there are no triggers I know when one is coming on. As nausea and a strong hightened awareness of smell.
The beta blocker candesartan I am now makes me so dizzy and nausea all the time and also I have to rush to loo. The neurologist did warn me that this is absolutely normal for anyone in my situation as the body does seem to reject medication in this way. Any symptom however is like what can only be described as a bee sting headache when I am not having a migraine, which I am still getting the same amount.
What does anyone one advise? I don't know how much more I can take