Hi all, july of last year a consultant diagnosed me with 'neurological' migraines. Saying I was particularly light/sound sensitive. They discharged me prescribing Topiramate and a Beta Blocker. When I spoke to OCC Health at work they said the diagnosis was 'pathetic' as all migraines are neurological. Has anyone else experienced a lame diagnosis from the hospital ??
I'm not able to tolerate Topiramate or Beta Blockers due to other health issues, so currently taking 8mg of Candesartan. With the back up Sumatriptan if absolutely necessary. However, I take other medication which absolutely shouldn't be mixed with Sumatriptan.
I have daily headaches, eyesight issues (fuzzy vision, gets worse with continued use of PC/ reading) so makes work very challenging as role requires 100% use.
Other symptoms will be some nausea, tightness of neck and shoulder muscles/pain radiating upwards, face and jaw pain.
Physically it feels like the Candesartan has slightly supressed the migraines but I still feel like Im getting them, not sure if this makes sense ??
Any advice would be great, thankyou in advance.