I had my usual pain over left eye on my forehead and last night rubbed in volterol gel. It worked. Had anyone else tried it
Volterol gel: I had my usual pain over... - National Migraine...
Volterol gel

Interesting. I had thought of trying it on my neck as I get pain which originates there and shoots up into my head, but I have a bad reaction to NSAIDS so was too scared to try it in the end.
Yep, pain in left eye, neck and head so I use it all the time.
I'm only allowed 6 painkillers a month so I didn't want to use it as I wanted to able to have my triptans. My gp said it was absorbed locally and therefore didn't count in regards to medication overuse headache but my neurologist completely disagrees. So I don't use it.
I didn’t know whether it was advisable to use on the head but it certainly eased the pain so will be using it again
I'd certainly have tried it if I could - I'm on blood thinners, so Voltarol is not an option, even if it is just the gel, because even the gel also thins the blood quite significantly according to both my GP and the pharmacist. I do, though, have 10% Ibuprofen gel that I can use, and I, too, apply it to my neck, the left side of my face and over the brow bone to try to get rid of not only the pain, but the sensation that someone or something is pressing quite hard in the area... it helps, but probably not so much as Voltarol would. I'd dearly love to try Voltarol though - sometimes the discomfort and pressure is so bad its actually painful to move my eye that side, or it makes if feel like there's something in my eye, so it waters.
Yes!! That stuff is amazing. When my arteries in my neck feel inflamed it will calm them down. My doc described it as "ibuprofen gel". Goes right to the spot. Had also helped when I have local areas of weird nerve activity
Voltarol is not the same thing as Ibuprofen gel - the active ingredient in Voltarol is diclofenac, on of the NSAIDs, whereas ibuprofen gel is just that, ibuprofen.
Ok. I’m not sure why he called it that. It is definitely Voltaren (diclofenac). And it's awesome.
As if life's not difficult enough, without doctors giving out incorrect information! I envy you the voltarol😊
Why can’t you get it? You can buy it over the counter in the UK
Oh,I can get it,but I can't use it - its likely to cause internal bleeding cos I'm on blood thinners, so its a no no. I can't even swallow ibuprofen, only allowed to use Ibuprofen gel...
Ah ok. I can’t take staid’s orally either due to having had a gastric ulcer
I’ve not heard of it. Love to check it out
I tried this today in desperation (literally nothing takes the edge off the pain for me) it didn't help in any noticeable way darn it!!! Tried it on my forehead, back and side of neck, Jaw, side of face and shoulder. Nada. 😭

Awww sorry you didn’t get any relief. ☹️