Feeling quite low today trying to rise above it but the older I’m getting the worst these bloody migraines affect me mentally. I’ve had 5 since Friday I don’t know what triggers mine I wish I did. I think mine are hormonal and stress related. I’m greeting a food allergy test tomorrow to see if that brings any light to the situation. I’m finding the depression after having a migraine bad but then the anxiety kicks in worrying I’m going to get another one. I feel I’m on a roller coaster and can’t get off. I don’t take any medication as did not do anything for me. I have aura migraines but on early hours of Saturday I woke up with a sore neck which I’ve had for a week and felt my eye was going to pop with the pain and a awful headache it was that bad I was throwing up all night. The next day I was like a zombie. I feel so bad as it knocks me so I can’t enjoy time with my children. I wish there was a cure.