I have suffered, killer migraines for 30 years, have seen neurological specialists, tried dozens of tablets and combinations, have been so out of it, I didn't know I had my 40th birthday. Avoiding all the triggers I had read about, then I found an article that said some chemical called tanning, could have a link to migraines. It's in wine, that I don't drink, cola which I did and Apple's that I did. So I cut out all of them, (it is in other things as well). After a few days the migraines disappeared, tried diet cola, no problems. Had a small glass of Apple juice and had migraine 2 days later. I had to stop all Apple related products, no whole Apple's no flavoured sweets, drinks juice, anything Apple related. I say all this but it took a long time to prove as it was never the next day after eating or drinking the Apple products that I got the migraines, it could be 2 or 4 days later. So what I'm saying guys is don't ever stop looking for your triggers. This is to say I still can get them.
1 if I don't get enough sleep.
2 if I overheat.
3 if I don't drink enough fluids.
4 get very stressed or emotional.
5 avoid bright sun, by wearing light reacting glasses.
But I know to look after myself, I can eat, chocolate, cheese, oranges even a glass of bubbly. It really has made a big difference. In my case an Apple a day, made the Dr stay.