Hey folks. Just joined this community and already feel very supported by reading all of your different stories. I thought I would share mine and keep track of my progress to help others.
I'm 25 years old lady, currently a PhD student. My migraines started in my teens but usually they were mild and I would simply take some OTC painkiller to stop them. No auras, nauseous or other symptoms.
But for a half year or so I noticed migraine striking me more often and severe (to the point were I can only roll in a ball and lie on the bathroom floor in the dark). Currently I'm having less than 15 attacks/month varying in length, severity and starting time, often feel nauseous. I'm still confused about my triggers the only sure being hormonal change during menstruation, alcohol, anxiety and stress. My doctor prescribed me sumatriptan (50 mg) and it always helps me with pain but obviously doesn't work like preventative and I'm afraid to overuse it.
Since I'm still studying I can pretty much organize my day as I wish, being able to live with migraines. Although my social life is basically non existent I have a very supportative boyfriend and a cat However I am very anxious about getting a full job, since migraines really makes me feel disabled and I can't even think of sitting in office 8 to 5 with pounding head and nauseous. I see that a lot of people here struggle with this.
I decided to take things seriously a month ago. My goal is to prevent future migraines as much as possible rather than rely on stopping the pain only. I'm currently taking Feverfew (250 mg) and Butterbur (2x75mg) daily. I'm also on my third week of consistent yoga practice (30 mins for five evenings in the week - youtube videos work just fine). Also trying to have a healthier diet. Although migraine strikes me still as often the pain is much milder and I feel less nauseous. I plan to stick to this routine and see how it goes. Last week I had a 8 days migraine free streak and it felt amazing. But now I have mild ones every second day or so (I believe it's because of weather change - spring is coming!). Sumatriptan helps me with those, but it's my third day taking the pill so if the pain comes back tomorrow I'll just have to wait it trough.
Does anyone else had similar experiences?