First post, although have made a couple in the Thyroid section.
Its been a bit of a year. I have always suffered with the odd bout of Atrial Fib, and the year began with me being referred for some scans to thoroughly check it out.
Then after a bit of a stressful time at work, I had a thyroid nodule pop up out of nowhere. It was behaving and at point of testing was benign. Obviously a stressful time again.
Then I went on hols in UK with everything going on, and felt great. No ticker issues, and no thyroid issues.
The day after I got back all changed. I started suffering with a fairly bad headache, and some stiff neck and shoulders/back. Also light-headedness, which I have always suffered a bit with. I've never suffered with headaches in the past, and it wasnt bad enough for me to stop doing anything, in actual after having the headache for a week or so a bike ride seemed to ease it. However what the bike ride did do was start some numbness in my feet/toes, which is still there now.
Been to see a Neuro, had MRI from brain to lumbar and a small non-symptomatic solitary 3mm T2 hyperintensity was found on the front left lobe. He has diagnosed migraine, and suggested Propranlol, which I have just started taking, but my ticker doesn't seem to like it.
Current symtoms are stiff leg muscles, and numbess in toes/feet and 2 small fingers in right hand. This has been here for about a month now, and the headache sort of pops up now and again, but isn't debilitating - my legs are and balance is.
My question is, does this all makes sense? I feel the T2 is causing my headaches, they seem to be in that area. Rather than a T2 arising due to me suffering migraines, which I never have done in the past.
My B12 was just over 300, so I have been filling myself with this, and it is making me feel a bit better. I'm also awaiting Lyme blood results, as hols were in Cornwall.
Any thoughts before I return to my second home - the doctors - would be much appreciated. Try not to freak me out too much though please.