I had botox for my migraines last Tuesday I had 31 injections it was very painfull I really cryed can any1 tell me why it was so painfull
botox for mirgraines: I had botox for... - National Migraine...
botox for mirgraines

Hi, I had botox too for headaches. Have they helped you at all? Mine have worn off pretty quickly!
The Dr said it should start working in about 10 days it's been 7 days but still havein bad migraines at the moment it's the first time I've had Botox
So sorry for you!! I found out after the procedure there is numbing medicine that is supposed to make it much easier! If the Botox works for you ask your doctor for that before you have it done again! Good luck 😊
Did it hurt when u had it done I was told the needles should be small 1s but they were biggest 1s I had
It hurt a lot when I had it done. I ended up going to the appointment by myself which was my first mistake. By the time he did the last shot I was exhausted from the pain and I sat in my car and cried. I had a migraine that night and it turned out that I was allergic to the Botox so the treatment did not work for me. I did however enjoy the cosmetic side effect. I hope you have better luck! Iris 😊
Aww sorry to hear that he did say it don't wo for every1 Iam just keepin my fingers crossed it works can Cope with the mirgrages got to go bk in 3 months for more
Sorry to ask about the cosmetic side affect as im due to have this treatment soon (hopefully) My consultant told me it stings wouldn't say if it hurts just repeated it stings! Thanks hope you feel better soon!
I was told it stings but honestly it hurt a lot I was cryin my eyes out but they say the more times u have it done u don't feel it so I will go for my second lot in 3 months as Iam hopeing it will work Id rather stick the pain for 5 mins than cope with these mirgrages every day
I unfortunately have about 5 free days a month from migraine and suffered for 20 years tried all sorts of meds too I currently use Zomig nasal spray which take the pain away quite quickly but leave me feeling a little drunk for a while I need get rid of them altogether now I've had enough of them now
Hi. I hope that I can help you (and I am so sorry to hear that they were so painful)!
I signed up for a Botox trial about 9 years ago now and until last year I was having them every 12 weeks. The main way it helped me, was to not make my migraines so painful.
Anyway, as I was on the trial, I was observed very closely and what the consultants discovered, was, if I had a migraine or a migraine lurking, then the injections were painful and I would bleed too.. If I had a headache free day, then I only felt certain ones and not nearly that painful at all and no bleeding.
Over time, the effects of the Botox built up and so the injections became less and less painful. So what I would say, is please don't be put off. I know that they can be not very nice but so much better in the long run than those wretched migraines!!
Feel better soon.
Thank u I couldn't get over how painful it was it was my first time how long after ur first Botox did user a different in ur mirgras
I don't no if I could go though it again it was so painfull the Dr said I'd see a driffence in my mirgrages after 10 days but they still the same I got to go bk in 3 months for a second Botox but not sure weather to go or not
Thank you for your comments on botox the dr recommend I had botox on new years eve but I'm still waiting for my appointment I have a few cycles of nerve block injections in my back which are. Very painful and affects my walking. For a few days which triggers an attack so I suffer in more ways than one lol!
Hi Julie. I think that you are asking me, how long it was before I noticed a difference in my migraines? From what I remember (it was a long time ago), it was after the 3rd session, that I really noticed a difference.
Hope that helps!
I stopped having Botox nearly a year ago. As Hormones were the main cause of my migraines, entering into the menopausal stage of my life, has made my hormones and subsequently my migraines, so much less of a problem for me (I know that is not true for everybody). However, the 10 years leading up to this stage, meant daily migraines for me.
I am hoping that as I get older, my migraines will get less and less, as it did for a close female relative.
So don't be disheartened. It may be that you are a long way off this stage but there are new treatments coming out all the time. I remember the dark days before Triptans. What a revolution they were!
Please try a 2nd round of Botox treatment. You may find, that as you have some Botox still left in your head, the injections may be less painful. Also, it maybe that you are not migrainous when you have them and therefore, they just might not hurt so much.
It's a much less painful thing but maybe a good comparison, when the Botox was in my head and I used to go along to have my eyebrows plucked or threaded at a beauty salon, I never felt it at all, due to the effects of the Botox. I am guessing that the injections too became less painful for the same reason. I certainly feel those eyebrows being tugged at now that I no longer have the Botox treatment!!
Look at it this way, we all know how painful migraines are. One session of Botox, can be painful indeed but if it helps all those other days, isn't it worth it?
I wish you the very best in whatever you decide. Thinking of you!!
I see how things go the next 3 months I still take gabapentin aswell but he told me to get of them slowly last time I went of them I was getting even worse mirgrages so I think u till the Botox starts to work I stay on them do u no how long u have Botox for or is it on goin even if the mirgrages stop
I am sorry, I can see you've replied but for some reason I cannot see it on this site and the email only showed me part of it.
I can see that you are still going to go ahead and have the next set of injections. It's my own opinion of course, that is the right thing to do. Hopefully, they won't hurt nearly so much next time.
Fingers crossed for you!!