Hi Everyone, I've been on Amitryptiline for 13 years now 50- 75mg nightly, I take them because I don't sleep due to other meds. On Monday my friend phoned worried about the side affects of this drug as her Mum has been prescribed them, she didn't know that I take them. So I googled the side affects and found that I am affected by some of them mainly excessive sweating over my head and around my neck, and I have had several stress fractures in my foot. The sweating is very embarrassing the smallest activity starts it off, I put a Aluminium deodorant on at night around my hairline it helps a bit but it's not the answer, neither is having botox into my head which I was considering!! So when I saw this was a side affect I thought RIGHT THEY HAVE TO GO!!! I've decided to reduce by half a tablet for 7 days and then another half tablet the next 7 days, I can't get to see my Dr till next Friday, and I'm going to ask for the 10mg tablets so the weaning off is easier, and something else to help me sleep. Even reducing by half a tablet this week, I've felt Achy and nauseous, But I've not been well for the last six months so I'm doing this now, as when I'm well again I don't want to feel unwell again, get it all out of the way now. I really don't know what the withdrawal is going to be like has any of you come off this drug and is it difficult? and will it take long to get out of my system and the sweating stop? Thank you for reading what I didn't expect to turn into an essay.