I recently had dizziness/loss of appe... - National Migraine...

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I recently had dizziness/loss of appetite/fatigue/nausea/visual disturbances which I thought was travel sickness (from which I suffer badly)

1stgls profile image
12 Replies

My travel sickness disappears with a cup of tea, these symptoms lasted for 3 days--

Has any one else had this, is it a "different" migraine?

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1stgls profile image
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12 Replies
Duckerella profile image

Hi - I am 41, and have had migraine with aura since I was 9, and in the last couple of years been diagnosed with 'transformed migraine' - which apparently is very common in women of my age, and my symptoms are very much like what you describe. Rather than having absolutely agonising attacks every few days/weeks, as I used to have, I now have almost a continuous phase of dizziness, visual disturbance (shooting stars/starburst or sometimes less so, full aura), mild difficulty in articulation, some difficulty in recalling things (memory loss) and constant fatigue. Do you think this could be something similar to what you are experiencing, and is anybody else going through 'transformed migraine'? I do feel quite isolated on this one. I am currently taking topiramate, amitriptyline, and have started having botox injections, my second lot last month. The side effects from the topirimate are difficult to deal with but they do seem to lessen the crashing & prolongued auras which I was suffering with on a daily basis by the time I started them, so I have to stick with them for now. I do find that the botox seems to have helped with the pain side of things. I wish there was a cure for this situation, as my work, home & social life, I feel, are seriously compromised. Good luck with it all, and I'd be interested to hear anyone's experiences of these 'different' migraines.

1stgls profile image
1stgls in reply to Duckerella

yeah it sort of seems similar-- it is like my migraine but without the head pain but all the other symptoms which I get with migraine are so very much worse, and last for a lot longer, I can usually eat with migraine but with this I managed 2 biscuits in 2 days.

I feel happier now someone else has a similar thing going on.

Clumsyclot profile image
Clumsyclot in reply to Duckerella

Hi, I've had Migraines on and off for about 7 years, recently I thought I'd cracked it, but for the last 2 and a half weeks I've gone through all of what you have just discribed, I also suffer badly from travel sickness, I wonder if there's a link there somewhere. I even feel travel sick lying in my bed, and my throat seems to restrict and my tongue seems to swell making talking and breathing difficult, a strange dryness and tightness at the back of my throat, the whole thing is not just awful but at times quite scary. Good luck also.

1stgls profile image
1stgls in reply to Clumsyclot

OMG this sounds terrible I hope you can find something to relieve this

Clumsyclot profile image
Clumsyclot in reply to 1stgls

Hi, 1stgls, I think just learning not to panic and learning how to best manage all the awful symtoms, is the only option for most Migraine sufferers. I'm on day 17 of my Migraine marathon today, but only a mild day so far, thank goodness, I hope it ends soon.

teadrinker profile image

It's quite possible to have the migraine without the headache. I've been having these for years, sometimes they last for days. I also suffered from bad travel sickness as a child and can't cope with fairground rides.

It's also possible that you might have had a virus that casued the same symptoms, but if these things happen again it would be a good idea to see your GP.

1stgls profile image
1stgls in reply to teadrinker

Thanks teadrinker ( a person after my own heart!!!) I thought I was weird because I thought " everyone" loved fairground rides but me ( my children missed out when young as I could not take them on the rides) - my husband wants to get a garden swing seat but I cannot think of anything more nausea making..

when I was 7 I broke my neck and had to be strapped to my mum and sat in the front seat of the ambulance ( they did neck care differently in the 60's) --- and yes I puked over her as they could not let me bend over!!! the hospital was only 2 miles away

teadrinker profile image
teadrinker in reply to 1stgls

A day out at Alton Towers is my idea of a nightmare! Not only can I not go on anything, I am then left to supervise children too small for certain rides and to carry all the bags and coats.

I can't do 3D cinemas or films with lots of special visual effects either.

georgiegone profile image

This sounds like what they call "silent" migraine. I often have any/all of my aura type symptoms with no headache

1stgls profile image
1stgls in reply to georgiegone

Thanks for this. When the symptoms finally resolved I felt fine so I know there is nothing serious going on, so next time I will take my migraine meds

Clumsyclot profile image
Clumsyclot in reply to georgiegone

Hi, me too. I can have an array of symptoms of aura, with or with out the head pain.

2much2 profile image

I feel for you and everyone on this forum as I can relate. Is there any medicine that gets rid of the aura? I have it daily and sometimes milder than other other times. I wish there was a health preventative medicine that works. I find that magnesium, feverfew and B vitamins help, but do not resolve it altogether. I'm starting to feel the "attacks" aura symptoms might be causing residual effects and I fear it may be causing more white matter change. My father's balance was permanently effected from a "brain stem dysfunction." Why is there such poor diagnosis of these illnesses with so much advancement in in other areas of one's life? With so many suffering you'd think they would have discovered a biomarker they could use with blood tests. Sorry to vent, I started having these symptoms after a motor vehicle accident (head & neck injury), They hinted at migraines then, but not conclusively. Eventually, symptoms subsided. Now coming back full force in my 40s. I have most if not all the aura symptoms others have described minus the headache. Anyone find anything that resolves the aura?