Gabapentin : Hi everyone. Does anyone... - Mental Health Sup...

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7 Replies

Hi everyone.

Does anyone have experience with gabapentin for anxiety and depression?

Some background. My Father passed away in March 2022, which left me devastated. I was then diagnosed with a heart condition requiring a stent. Since then I have really been struggling. I used to be very fit and active, going dinghy sailing almost daily, but now I find that I have hardly enough energy to even walk to the local shop.

I am retired in Thailand, at the age of 64, and the insurance company refused to pay for the heart operation, which I then had to pay for myself from meagre savings, which has placed an enormous amount of stress on me regarding my future finances.

I also eventually split up with my long term Thai girlfriend, which has placed even greater depression on me.

I have been drinking heavily.

I have sought help from the local Thai psychiatrist, to try and help with my increasing anxiety and alcohol dependency.

He initially put me on topamax, but I found that I was becoming a little bit psychotic. Maybe not psychotic, but feeling a total lack of interest in everything, and increased anxiety and insomnia.

I have stopped taking the topamax, after 1 month of taking it.

So I did a lot of research, based on a comment from the psychiatrist, about gabapentin being used off label as a mood stabiliser, and also as a sleep aid, and as an aid to reduce heavy drinking.

I have just started taking 300mg, initially once a day for 3 days, taken at night, and now increased the dose to 2 x 300mg, taken in the morning and at night.

What I am on here asking, is if anyone else has experience with gabapentin for anxiety and depression, and if it helped.

Of course I have read good reviews about it, but not as monotherapy.

I am taking 0.5mg clonazepam twice a day.

I know that I am probably "chasing ghosts", by taking matters into my own hands, because the local Thai psychiatrist has been of very little help to my mental health issues.

In case anyone suggests that ssri or snri are more appropriate treatment, I have been given many different medications, and the thai psychiatrist has agreed that I am allergic to all ssri and snri.

So. If anyone has experience with gabapentin, how long did it take to have any effect, and what dose did you end up taking?

I have read that the normal dose is 900mg daily.

But I can't find any information as to when the dose can be increased to 900mg daily?

3 days to increase from 300mg daily, to 600mg daily, but no information on timing for further dose increases.

Any information and support would be greatly appreciated.


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7 Replies

Hello patez, Have read your post and I am so very sorry it's heartbreaking to read all that you have been and still going through.

I believe you need some advice about Gabapentin, well I can only tell you a little about this medication and it is because I have suffered with chronic back pain for well over 20 years, and in the beginning, when no other treatment worked for me my pain doctor put me on Baclofen and Gabapentin for a start. The amount of Gabapentin I take is 2400 daily, 4 in the morning and 4 at bedtime with other medication one of which is Clonazepam, 4 x 0.5 and others to help me sleep.

These as far as the blood tests which are normally every 6 months should my G.P remember, have always been fine although about 4 years ago they did pick up my Thyroxine levels which were in need of "topping" up so now I take a small amount of a thyroid tablet which keeps all level. I have had no trouble with the Gabapentin so am sure your G.P will or should know if you will be alright on these, by taking all these tablets you should make sure that your stomach is protected by something like mine and this is Omprazole which stops any ulcers in the stomach, oh, I almost forgot the most important thing with all this medication and this is Lactulose which helps when you need the toilet.

I hope this helps a little and if you need any further info on any medication that I am on too, please ask as it is no problem, am pleased to try and help you.

Good luck and stay strong you will get through this, I am 2 years younger but know every little helps, I hope. 🙏

patez profile image
patez in reply to completely-zero654


Thank you so much for your reply.


patez profile image
patez in reply to completely-zero654

Hi.Yes I do have a question, if you don't mind me asking.

I mentioned about titration, and how quickly I can increase my dosage.

I am guessing that you didn't start immediately on 2400mg daily.

How quickly did you increase your dosage?

And may I also ask how long it took for the gabapentin to have some effect?

I know that I am trialling it for off label use to try and help with my insomnia and alcoholism.

I just wonder how quickly it works?

You also mention taking 4 x 0.5 clonazepam. Is that in split doses during the day?

Sorry to ask so many questions, but the local Thai psychiatrist is pretty much at a loss when it comes to insomnia and alcoholism.

I have been in contact with the local AA, but they were no help at all, because it relies totally on prayer, and I am an agnostic.

Their other suggestion was a dedicated detox facility, but that is something that I can't afford.

Yes my alcoholism has destroyed my life.

I am desperately trying to do something about it.

From my research, gabapentin seems to be recommended, for both my insomnia and to help with alcoholism.

But I guess that I am in the early stages of seeing if gabapentin will work?

But I guess my main question, from someone who does use it, is how quickly can I titrate?

I am guessing that you did not start at 2400mg daily from day one?

From what have read on the Internet, my dose for mood swings, and insomnia, and alcoholism, should be only about 900mg daily, taken every 8 hours.

I would like to ask you how you feel on 2400mg daily? Does it knock you out?

Or can you manage daily tasks without extreme fatigue and tiredness?

At the moment, it is not helping me at all.

I have not actually discussed this with the psychiatrist.

He had mentioned gabapentin, but prescribed me topamax.

I found that taking that medicine actually increased my insomnia, which led me to drinking more, because I couldn't sleep! Lol!

I missed my follow-up appointment, because of the expense.

Why bother paying to see the psychiatrist, when they can't help!

Yes I am a physical and emotional wreck.

Fingers crossed that the gabapentin will work.

I know, from what I have read, that it takes at least 1 month to get any benefits from gabapentin.

How long did it take you to feel the benefits of gabapentin?

Again I am sorry to ask so many questions.


Dear patez, good to hear from you and said I would help and meant it, or will try to, am pleased you have as it must be very expensive to see him again. Not to worry as know you will get through this but you must really want to.

Yes my pain clinic G.P put me on 2400 Gabapentin straight off as I was in so much pain, but I was also given the Clonazepam at the same time as it is a muscle relaxent, and it did make me sleep, which was worth it.

The Clonazepam I take is split into 4 at night and the others I take at lunch time or if the pain gets too bad some days then maybe earlier but I also have other meds to take which are so much stronger these are controlled drugs again for chronic pain which help take the edge off. The Clonazepam should make you sleep but if you can, and must not drink alcohol with these, both these should help you get to sleep it worked for me and straight away.

Have been on all the medication mentioned for over 20 years but it has gradually happened as I am sure your body does get used to the meds you take and some could give side affects, not that any have affected myself.

If you can change this medication then Gabapentin will not give you insomnia, you should be able to sleep especially if you can also have Clonazepam too. If you can get to see this Tai G.P then ask to change it. Please, please try and not drink with them, yes they will then make you sleep far too much and I am sure you want to lower your drinking as there must be someone that you love or care about, do this for yourself and be proud that you can do this.

Any other questions or you just need to talk to someone on here or myself then please ask whatever it is so you can get some answers to something that you need to know, and if I can help with the meds then please ask me.

Take care and please stay safe x

patez profile image
patez in reply to completely-zero654


Thank you so much for caring.

I have been taking the gabapentin for 1 week now, with no side effects, so maybe I can safely increase my dosage.

I do have one thing that it very dear to my heart, and that is to be able to go sailing again.

But I find myself to weak and tired all the time to even contemplate doing that.

Yes the heavy drinking and inso mnia has had a profound effect on my life.

And yes, I am trying to do something about it.

Mental health issues are not easy to deal with.

I have read a lot about gabapentin, being used as a mood stabiliser stabiliser, and helping with insomnia, but I guess that the low dosage I am on now is not enough.

That is very useful information that you were prescribed a high dose from the very beginning.

From what I have read about gabapentin, although it is actually an anti epileptic medication, it is reported to be used off label to treat both insomnia and alcoholism.

I will increase my dosage, based on your response.

I really want beat this addiction to alcohol, and I really want to feel normal again.

Based on your information, and I do believe that you are telling me the truth, I will dramatically increase my dosage of gabapentin.

Maybe start at 3 x 300mg 3 times a day?

I know that I can't live my life as it is now.

I did not sleep at all tonight.

It is so delibating.

And I don't have any friends or family.

And I have ended up in hospital 3 times in 3 months with alcohol related accidents. Falling over in my room.

A combination of drinking too much, and lack of sleep.

Never mind the loss of coordination and concentration.

Yes I think about suicide all the time, but I am not brave enough to do that. Ij

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patez in reply to patez

I guess I ran out of message time.Thank you so much.

Hey Patez, please tell me you are alright and have not done anything to hurt yourself, you are worth so much did anyone ever tell you, well then hear from me you are worth more than you will know so hope all is well with you.

Please let me know as there must be a reason as to why you started drinking in the beginning, please excuse my spelling, but please let me know that you are alright and did you put yourself on a higher dose of Gaba[entin, naughty. Seriously are you alright. please let me know as you are needed here, so please tell me you are being good,😇🙏

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