Voices: How do you ignore and live any... - Mental Health Sup...

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How do you ignore and live any sort of life. Pulling yourself from worst situation and disability issues. Haven’t seen anyone psychiatrist about it. Just trying to get through day but so negative. People that were putting me down moving - only good point

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I am medically/physically Disabled, I also suffered A Viral Meningitis that effected my memory, later my Short Term memory was affected as well. Most of my concerns have been around for over thirty years and I was retired when I was thirty seven. I have never worked since. Now I am seventy. I get my COVID Injection on Friday, So life always has something to keep us busyI also suffer Reactive Depression caused by my illnesses I will be taking my ADs for the rest of my life.

There is very little we can do when disabled, whatever the cause, however you have the means to control all the low mood you feel, consider Hobbies and Diversions, they do help. Everyone, especially on here needs to look for ways to help themselves to move on in a positive way, generally I have always got something to do and it does help


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