Stopped Reading: I was reading my book... - Mental Health Sup...

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Stopped Reading

40 Replies

I was reading my book and looking at how sad it was. I stopped reading. I mean I could not read further, I just stopped at the sad part. Then I became stuck in depression. Normally I am positive and can see the good side of things but this time I got stuck in negative thought.

How do I find a book that will suit me - depression and getting past.

40 Replies

I am unable to read as much as I used to, My book collection contains pictures of where and what I have seen. I forget most of what I had read or looked at by next day and that really gets to me.

If the book is affecting your mood, if the work is not essential for college, school etc consider something that will lift the mood. I collect wors that will lift my mood. I took delivery today of one that is full of pictures that gives back memories of where I have been. Books are supposed to relax and lift the mood, getting depressed is a real NO NO


JoanellaJ profile image
JoanellaJ in reply to

Read Hope Prevails by Dr Michelle Bengston she too sufferd from depression..I read her book it really helped me alot ..

in reply to JoanellaJ

Because of my Short Term Memory condition. I have my own library that contains book full of pictures so I can remember what and where I have been and done.

Memories are so important as we get older. What my Wife tries to do is look for books from the time period we visited, that helps the memories.


hypercat54 profile image

Skip the sad part then and carry on reading it. I am currently reading a new book by Phillipa Gregory about the sisters of the 9 day queen - Lady Jane Grey. Theirs is a very tragic story but I have a thirst for knowledge so am enjoying it even though it is so sad. x

in reply to hypercat54

Hello Bev

A tragic story where they messed up the end game. Mind I understand she was really next in line, A truly tragic tale. I would be having night mares all night. Lopping heads of is a real upsetting end of the story.

I prefer if I know the history and in is like above, I know the end and that is good enough for me. In the past we were a blood thirsty lot. I prefer eye candy, excluding attractive Ladies Lol


hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

You are funny Bob :) I knew about Lady Jane Grey of course but nothing of her sisters. Lady Katherine had 2 children born in the Tower of London and died of consumption at the age of only 28. The youngest one was a bit older at 33. Terrible waste. x

in reply to hypercat54


Yes I know all that about the family and Hubby, all very tragic and sad.

I was just pulling your leg, not decapitating it, lol

I, like you have a strong interest in History and the background of most historic settings, We have just returned from four weeks of Wales, travelling around all the Houses, Castles there well worth it. We were able to connect our interests to other places, and sites in UK Ireland and Scotland. My head is just recovering as I forget most of what we saw.

Keep a hold, (of your head) LOL


hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

I know you were Bob. If I was the queen you would off to the tower about now :) :D xx

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

Oh Hyper!! I also read a book about her last year. Was she the one who was married to King Henry's son for all but a matter of days..?? That was really sad but I admired her so much for being true to herself. I love anything to do with that era and totally loved the stories about Henry VIII and all of his wives. You should try reading about Anne Boleyn (as she was the most influencial and most manipulative..... until her husband had her beheaded of course... :-) :-) ).

Hope your good!!

Theresa XXX

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to En1234

No she was married to one of the Dudley family at 13 until Lady Jane Grey's disgrace then they quietly dropped her. She fell in love with Edward Seymour of one of the great familes and they were too near the thone for Elizabeths liking.

Have read all about Anne Boleyn loads of time. These are lesser known royals and Henry 8th's 2nd cousins. x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

I must be getting mixed up with another one of that particular era. I remember reading about a girl who was married to King Henry's only son (who later died at a very young age). This person was queen for about a fortnight and then she went to her death. This is going to bug me now. I am going to spend the next couple of hours now looking for that book!! LOL!! :-) :-)..

I love anything to do with Henry VIII. I particularly love the fact that because Anne was his favourite wife at one time, he had her beheaded by a swordsman instead of an axeman because it would be quicker. Story tells that some of the ladies at the front who came to see her execution fainted because her head came off so quickly and when the swordsman held her head up by her hair for everyone to see, her eyes were still blinking!!

And she had six fingers on one of her hands and used her sixth wee finger to hold up the hem of her dresses!! I will need to find this book now..

Here endeth tonight's history lesson!! :-) XXXXX

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to En1234

Henry the 8th's son who was Edward the 6th died at 15 and was never married. He named his cousin Jane Grey as queen after his death. The Dudly family were very ambitious and put Jane on the throne for 9 days. She was 16.

Then the rightful heir Mary the daughter of Henry and Katherine of Aragon came to claim her throne and the people backed her instead. Jane was thrown into the tower and later executed. Very sad. x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

I found the book!! :-) :-) Its called The Last Tudor by Phillipa Gregory. She was known as "the nine day queen" as she only reigned from 9 July until 19 July. That's right, she never married him she was declared his heir when he died!! Phew. Thank goodness for that!! LOL!!! XXX

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to En1234

There is also a story that Anne knew how excutioners often bodged it with their axe so she asked for a French swordsman to do it instead with his sword. None of these stories are proved absolutely. Because she hadn't made trouble for the king he granted her this one wish. x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

She was also the one that he fancied the most and spent the most time chasing after but it was the one from Germany (Anne of Cleves)who was the clever one. She ended up being referred to as his "sister" and he left her houses etc. She didn't wash and was constantly dirty and made sure she smelled bad because she hated the thought of him coming anywhere near her and it worked!! Smart cookie!! (She was probably the least attractive of his wives but the one with the cleverest brain!).

OOhhhh I love this!!! I need to see if I can find another Tudor book now!! See what you've done Hyper!! :-) :-) XXX

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to En1234

Anne Boleyn and Katherine Parr were the clever ones, more so than Ann of Cleeves I think. KP was the last wife and lasted longer than the other apart from his first one. He did try and get charges against her too but she was clever enough to circumvent. She was saved only coz he died first. She then married her true love Thomas Seymour but died in childbirth a year or so later. x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

Yes, but materialistically, Anne of Cleves was way wealthier than any of them although she was a bit of a minger!!

Jane Seymour (I think) was the one who was buried with him in Windsor...

Hyper, I think you and I could make a good TV documentary programme together, with all this historic knowledge. :-) :-)


hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to En1234

Yes. Jane Seymour coz she had the good sense to die young before Henry tired of her became the ideal wife, and he was buried with her. Anne of Cleves was clever enough not to stand in the way of Henry divorcing her so she get a very good settlement. She apparently didn't want to go back home so lived in England. x

in reply to hypercat54


Did you see the axe used , the whole thing was bent and unbalanced, The executioner was also a botcher, a Drunk ?


En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to

It must have been shocking!! But I know that when they used an axe it was never always a clean blow, if at all. They must have had to hack them off!! I know that when they tried to behead Mary Queen of Scots the axe slipped and didn't get the base of her head (top of her neck), it actually embedded in her skull and took about 3 or 4 goes before they actually managed to do it. She must have really suffered!! It doesn't bear thinking about!!

But what baffles me even more is the fact that people used to go and watch..?? Just like us going to the cinema, their entertainment was to see who was going to be beheaded and setting off early so the could "get a good place at the front" so they could get a better view. That's the stuff of nightmares!! LOL!! :-)

What a cheery subject!!

On that note I am going to go for my walk, listen to my music then get some shopping in and enjoy the next few days before starting yet another new job on Monday!!

I hope you and yours are doing well Bob!!

Theresa XXXX

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Yes. The Countess of Salisbury was the worst execution. She was a Plantagenet even though she was married off to a knight. She was in either her late 60's or early 70's and refused to lay her head on the block. The executioner chased her round it with her screaming, hacking at her a number of times before he managed to finish her off. x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

LOL!! That must have been really entertaining for all the ghouls who were there to watch!! :-)

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to En1234

Apparently most were shocked! In those days it was thought that an executed persons blood helped with all sorts of ailments, so some were there trying to get some of it. x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

Oh how I would have hated to live in those days!! Then again, I don't know if "these" days are any better..?? Makes you think!! XXX

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to En1234

I think we should be careful of judging others ways of life as the culture was very different then. If we lived in those days we would probably have seen things like public executions very differently than we do today.

People in those days lived much closer to death and the idea of death than we do. Many died young and terrible diseases like smallpox and the plague were rife. x

En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to hypercat54

That is so true. I also think a lot of them would have lost their lives to Cancer as well although at that time they would not have had a name for it and would never have even known what it was.

It makes you wonder what life has in store for those who will be here a couple of hundred years from now when we are long gone!! (Tha'ts if our planet survives as according to Sir David Attenburgh, our planet is in a lot of danger just now..??.. You only have to look at certain weathers in certain parts of the world..??)


in reply to hypercat54

With Anne Bolyn

The swordsman when the blindfold was applied moved to the opposite side of the block and called the Queen. When she turned He Head He lopped it off with one slice.

With Mary Queen of Scots, they lifted the head and the wig she was wearing came adrift and Her little dog was hiding under the petticoat and slipped out and would not move away from the body. What a history..

Watching the Beavers in Scotland on the TV we where on site last year watching them. We had rented a cottage on site


En1234 profile image
En1234 in reply to

Oh Bob.. I forgot about the wig and the wee dog!! I just love all this history. XX

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Yes I have heard about these too Bob x

sweetiepye profile image
sweetiepye in reply to hypercat54

Speaking of the Tudors , I would rather face the axe than the burnings that took place under Mary Tudor . They were an interesting family / dynasty . I've always thought it odd that Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scotts never met . I have an idea that Elizabeth I was more like Henry VII. Henry VIII was easily manipulated by Wolsey and Cromwell / but then he had them to blame for any missteps . Mary T. was a nutter but how could she not be considering her upbringing. Interesting stuff to ponder.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to sweetiepye

Yes I agree Pam. Being burnt must be the most horrible way to die. I think Henry 8th was his own man and Wolsey and Cromwell only did his wishes. This was when he turned murderous and paranoid after a bad concussion while jousting. x

in reply to hypercat54

I was reading A Paper where they would strangle the person before or as the burning proceeded. Whatever the case they would suffocate before they burnt.

Mary, (Bloody Mary) was a Catholic and when She married the King of Spain She suffered various false pregnancies. She later died of a Cancer.

When Elizabeth came to the throne, she was a Cof E, Catholic and She went through a time where She had to knuckle down and many RC were taken down.

I was reading one book where Elizabeth and Her sex were questionable.

A Tranny ruled ????, Lol

sweetiepye profile image
sweetiepye in reply to

My personal belief about the Virgin Queen is that she didn't want to share her throne / power with a husband , but she had to appear as though she were looking for a one. Also there were women who washed and dressed her , helped her with bathroom necessities and took evidence to her Doctors. It would have been difficult to fool so many if she were a he. There was a lot of propaganda about the Tudors in their time.

in reply to sweetiepye

She had several seeming affairs with several men ?. One of who lost His Wife when she fell down the stairs, still wondering if push came to shove. Eventually She had to distance herself from the man, the name cannot place it. I have not studied this period for many years, something to keep you busy.

My real interest is Georgian through Victoria/ Edwardian. most of the properties we visit are from that period. With the exception of castles, churches and abbeys. Neolithic is interesting, we visited many sites in Wales. Cannot well remember were they were. Have all the books. Hazel says we visited over thirty properties on holiday




hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Yes Robert Dudley. His wife was Amy Dudley. There were various indications that Elizabeth knew about the event before it happened so there was suspician she was complicit in it. After that she could never have married him as it could have cost her the throne. x

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to sweetiepye

Are you surprised as her mother was executed coz of treason? She was even accused of incest with her own brother. The truth was Henry had grown tired of her and with the excuse she hadn't given him a son wanted her gone. His side kicks did what he wanted. Elizabeth had a very bad example of marriage didn't she? x

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to sweetiepye

I agree with you Pam. After what she had been through in her life I am not surprised she was as cracked in her way as was Mary. x

sweetiepye profile image
sweetiepye in reply to hypercat54

There's no doubt they did his dirty work for him although I don't believe he always knew the truth. Then again Henry believed what was convenient for him. It's complicated. In the end Henry is a monster. People must have been terrified of him.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to sweetiepye

He had a very elastic conscience! He was clearly an overt narcisisst as he showed all the signs. x

sweetiepye profile image
sweetiepye in reply to hypercat54

One of my favorite people in all of this is Sir Thomas Moore. I would have signed the damn document , but they wanted him gone too so there would have been another way. I wonder how many people the Tudors had executed . Any one know? Edward also had people executed but it was probably under his regents advice. One of the Seymore brothers, not Thomas, the other one.

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