smoking weed , helps with my depression , is that a good thing ?
weed and depression : smoking weed... - Mental Health Sup...
weed and depression
Hello Fizz, well the medical evidence sends out conflicting messages. I know that there are currently trials going on to see if weed and ketamine can be helpful for treatment resistant depression. On of the main concerns with weed is the different types and strengths available, so you never really know how much of the psychoactive substance you are ingesting. Also there is a proven link between weed use and developing psychosis, and this can be more than a one time event and can lead to a lifetime of mental health issues. It's a bit like the fact I have bipolar. It is thought that people with bipolar have a genetic predisposition to bipolar which can be triggered by environmental factors like extreme stress, drug or alchol use, traumatic events. So if there is no genetic predisposition the risk is less, but the risk is always there. There is also the associated risks of developing lung cancer or other cancers associated with smoking. That is the limit of my current knowledge. Take care.
It's all relative, I suppose. For someone that is introvert and already over-analyses things far too much, nine times out of ten cannabis just makes me worse.
That being said I have been self-medicating with alcohol on an insidiously unhealthy scale of late, so I cannot preach at all.
At least with cannabis and alcohol, there's solid medical evidence for what effects it will actually have *cough* SSRIs *cough*