Hi im new to this community. I am 20 years old from leeds. I worked full time as a dementia carer and was very sociable. I began feeling low and something wasnt right, i stayed in bed all day and pulled myself away from friends and family. In december i had a nervous breakdown in the middle of work which caused me to be locked in a room and forced to phone 111 to help me. I currently am seeing a mental health nurse and doctor as well as been on medication. I am now on sick leave and have been for several months. Last month i was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder, PTSD, Clinical Depression and Dis associative Disorder. I have been doing so well but i had a set back a few days ago and i can seem to recover from it, i feel like i am going backwards everything has just turned on me. My job refuse to pay me properly so im having stresses about money, my doctor thinks im ready to go back but he hasnt been speaking to my nurse and he is shortening my sick notes. The stress is starting to get to me again and im going backwards. I'm only 20 years old and i feel my life is over.
new to this.: Hi im new to this... - Mental Health Sup...
new to this.

I am new to all of thus as well...and its a battle. I stugle with this-- but try not to feel alone...and keep hope!!!!!! One thing that I wish I could always remember...is to BREATHE!!!!! A wonderful exercise I just heard on one of Michele's podcasts...is to write your biggest problem... On the left side of a piece of paper....then on the right...write 20 of your biggest strengths. Now...choose one of those strengths...to help you beat the problem!! You can do this. Hang in there... You have your whole life ahead of you! God bless!
i will try that im still struggling to come to terms with everything thank you.
You will work through it... It just takes time... Sometimes that alone is enough to drive you insane. I get it... Right now... I feel a lot of times like I don't have the time...and I wanna rush healing. Everyone wants that magic pill...that answer...and I hate it but the more I get into this...I realize...time is what we all need... Hang in there. And be patient and love yourself.. Do something for you today!!!!!!
Your life is NOT over- please believe this!!!!!
hi helena youve defo been throught it lately ! your job is really stressful and no wonder you took unwell try having a word with your doctor about your fears about going back to work ! i was off work for 5 months due to a brain hemmorage went back then was off again for 3 months i went back too early due to pressure from work ! as i was saying please talk it through with your doctor and tell him how your feeling ! my worry would be that you go back to soon and take unwell again ! if you find the thought of going work is making you ill why not.try. another career or job which hopefully be less stressful your still young with your life a head of you please consider a change sooner rather than later good luck and take care david x