It has already been submitted to the practise manager.
If I am unhappy with my present G.Ps ... - Mental Health Sup...
If I am unhappy with my present G.Ps surgery and have issues with the care they provide, how do I proceed with the complaint.

I think the first port of call is to the Practice manager of your surgery. You are quite free to ask to join another practice if your's does not provide you with the level of care you feel you should be receiving.
Hello BOB here,
If you need to, either see another doctor at the practice or the Practice Manager.
Before that I need to give a memory of what happened in our Mental Health Group.
Several years ago I was a volunteer for a charity dealing with mental health issues, the centre used to have about seventy members many with depression, paranoia and all points north. Some of the members went through a period of not been happy with their GP, this basically was caused by their disability, mental Health. Some members were habitual changers of GPs in several practices On basic problem with this was by changing in practice non of the GPs knew the patient fully, so the members where unable to form a positive working environment with the chosen GP at that time. Many did the complete rounds and the CPN s had no point of reference with their patients.
So the practice when they had meetings could not represent the patient fully, so treatments and crisis took longer to control.
One thing we need to remember your GP is in partnership with you and all other professionals throughout the NHS.
He is your base provider for treatment and if you keep changing this relationship is lost. This can be a problem when moving home, or just changing practice
One problem I have with depression is that I can react strongly when something is said I disagree with, it will fester and can make me do things that normal patients might just simmer. So now I have just changed my GP as I have had to move 45 miles from my old practice, Now I am having to have treatments from people I do not know, my old GP a very good facilitator I have lost. All treatments, although I am in the same County now have to be passed down to a new GP, it all takes time for both of you to trust each other and the relationship that was cultivated over many years are lost. With mental health this is a well known problem and if we did not agree with something that was said is just normal that is life, the GP is looking at an alternative we may disagree with, we need to get over it
Personally I would prefer to stay with the devil I know to a one I do not know, if you want to change do so in the same practice, you can always return to the doctor you prefer, The relationship with a GP that you know and like is GOLD.
All the best

Helle borderreiver, The big problem is that I do not know any of these doctors at all because the practice has amalgamated with the practice next door which they share the building with and some of the patients, me included,have been transferred to Doctors we don't know. I have seen a different doctor each time I have made an appointment. My Doctor, before all this happened, was a wonderful Doctor but unfortunately he died and I have n 't seen a GP. I've liked since.
Hello BOB here
The practice where I was before joined surgeries in what is now the new health centre, they kept their own patients although in the future that may change
Can you not concentrate on one doctor to see how you can get on as you seem to be on a hiding for nothing if two practices have been amalgamated. Do you know any of the doctors when they were in practice on their own, when your old doctor was on holiday or similar
Do you have an alternative practice if things do go pear shaped, and do you know any of them who you may like. It is always a problem to find one that you can trust as this is very important with the conditions you have. Good doctors can be like hens teeth, difficult to find.
Good luck with your search
All the best

Thank you. I am still seething at the unfair system. I feel a lot of these changes, which have rendered GPs practices and Mental Health Units ,almost impotent are down to Government and County Council cuts.
I'd speak to the Practice Manager before you do anything else x
Also if you do change surgeries, you can ask the receptionist at the new surgery if there is any particular doctor who would be better to see for mental health issues. Good luck.
Hello BOB here
When I had too choose a new surgery two weeks ago I looked first on the NHS CHOICES site, they have a full list of all the doctors in your area. The site gives each surgery in a given area, also the specialities of each GP in that practice. That is how I did it because with my condition I suffer chronic pain as well as depression. the GP chosen is important for support .It is very important in my condition
If the doctor I have chosen is lacking I have a further 5 doctors in the same practice to choose from. This practice also has two surgeries on in the town and another in the countryside where I live
All just a thought for you to consider,
All the very best in your search

Thank you for this info. I will remember this in future if further problems occur.
Like others have already said here:
a) Call your Practice Manager
b) Or change your current doctor
After reporting the incident to my mental health co-ordinator and to thePractise manager and also the Carer's Assotiation, I have received a written apology from the Doctor involved and from the practice manager. A big thank you to everyone for all your kind words of support.
Hello Bob here
Hello you have done well and you have managed to sort things out without the sanction of looking for a new GP or practice. With luck you will be able to settle once more.
One thing you could try although it is a given you could join a Practice patient participation group. This gives you the chance of in a small way give suggestions to practice on how they treat and care for their list and practice
All the best
Yes, that sounds like a good idea. I may just look into it. Thanks