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Men's Health Forum (Penis Health)

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All posts for June 2019

My erect penis

I had some lovely comments about my flaccid penis photo last week and I have bee...
Hidden profile image

Flaccid underside question

You can see my frenulum, but what is peculiar is that as you get closer to the g...
At1012 profile image

Underside of my penis (erect)

Erect picture of underside of my penis. Out of curiosity if you notice my right ...
At1012 profile image
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Painless circumcision?

Has anyone else been lucky enough to experience a totally pain-free circumcision...
Hidden profile image

Nick on urethra

I was circumcised as an infant. How do you think this nick on the urethra occurr...
At1012 profile image

Erect photo of possible botched circumcision

I took this photo a month ago.
At1012 profile image


Some more photos of my circumcision after about nearly 4 months... what do you a...
User1069 profile image

Possible botched circumcision

Hi everyone, I was circumcised as an infant. I am concerned at this strange look...
At1012 profile image


Here’s my cut dick from the front looking I think it looks well? What do you guy...
User1069 profile image

4 weeks after circumcision, frenulum removed due to severe medical condotion, is it ok now?

4 weeks after circumcision, frenulum removed due to severe medical condotion, is...
Raghuveer123 profile image

Attached foreskin stretching techniques?

Hello, I made a post not to long ago here's the link if your interested...
JaneDoe12 profile image

Hematoma update 2 weeks later

Hi guys I’m still updating this so any guy who have the same thing won’t panicke...
Fredcamp profile image

Circumcision healing

How long does a circumcision take to heal to the point where I can have sex?
Samsauce profile image

dotted penis glans

is it possible to make scars intentionally on penise glans so that it becomes do...
nishajainvsp profile image

scrotoplasty and tight erection.

does any one know about scrotoplasty...will it be helpful in having tight nd har...
nishajainvsp profile image

My dick

1 week update post :) how does it look head seems to have healed nicely, feels a...
User1069 profile image

Hard selling ring below the glans

Hello everyone, I got circumcised 20 days ago. Most of the swelling has gone. H...
Eternel888 profile image

Phimosis circumcision hypersensitive glands

I had my circumcision operation june 13 due to severe phimosis and balantis bee...
Ggfchez profile image

Update hematoma\ bruise

Hi guys well apparently my “hematoma” is healing it created a kind of scab but i...
Fredcamp profile image

Tight foreskin when erect

I can pull my foreskin back when flaccid easily but when I go erect I can’t pull...
Spam1230 profile image

Problems after circumcision

Since being circumcised my penis seems to have gone a lot smaller and I'm suffer...
Andrew1958 profile image

Why and any way of revealing head more.

When I was younger I would never be able to pull my foreskin back. Around passed...
JaneDoe12 profile image

Is this normal?!?!,!

Hey guys, yesterday marked the 6th week after circ surgery. It was my first time...

Size after circumcision

Hey guys, so I consider myself an avg size, nothing special. Today marks 6 weeks...

For how long do i keep penis facing upwards?

For how long do i keep the penis facing upwards after circumcision. Am ending my...
Joe_ profile image

Watery semen in first masturbation after circumcision? (Week 7)

Hi guys. I'm 24, got circumcisied due to phimosis 7 weeks ago. The last stitch f...
SleepErect profile image

Scab On Head Of Penis (picture)

Hey Fellas So Im On Day 23 And All Stitches Are Gone And Everything Seems To Be ...
Wh59ptywhoop profile image

purple veins on penis

I've recently noticed dark purple veins becoming more and more visible on my pen...
Dbto15 profile image

Circumcision Wound 12 days

I have done circumcision 12 days ago.. and the wound has not healed, (picture). ...
Ngalaxi profile image

Day 1

Hi there. Well this morning I was the first one on the Urology list and actually...
Wavey16 profile image

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