Title says, had a partial circ 13 days ago, healing well, swelling going down gradually, only problem is that I can’t yet pull the remaining skin back in order to properly clean and assess the area. Tried it a couple days ago and saw slight smegma buildup. Can’t see the stitches either as they are still covered by the skin. Any tips on how to clean it properly without irritating it too much?
Partial Circ 13 days ago, can’t clean... - Men's Health Foru...
Partial Circ 13 days ago, can’t clean effectively, help?

Hi. Did you get any post-op care instructions from your surgeon? Perhaps contact the surgeon about your concerns. if that is difficult, you can have things checked out at your GP surgery. In the meantime, are you able to get liquid between your remaining foreskin and glans? If so then salt water baths/irrigation might help. Take care.
Thanks for the reply. Its weird I got it done privately and I’d have to go back to my GP for a consultation and it would take ages. Just getting a little worried if too much of it builds up it would delay the healing. The salt water baths sound like a good idea so I’ll probably try that. I also get a reddish discharge from underneath too any idea if thats normal?
As you got it done privately, have you considered contacting the surgeon via his secretary? It is usually part of the service you have already paid for!
I haven’t considered that tbh it was private but free at the same time because it was medically required. I’ll try and book a consultation with him and I’ll see how it progresses over the next few days too because it’s been done now and I just want the best chances for it to heal properly
I am in the US. When I call any of my docs, I am given several choices on the phone. All clinical questions are directed to "The Clinical Team." I can leave a very detailed (rambling) message, and they say they will return the call that day. There is no option for a "live chat" with nurses or docs. Tell them your problem and hope for a call back soon.
Hey Solitude2004 , I'd be interested in hearing about the recovery experience for a partial circumcision
I'm scheduled for one next month to address ongoing phimosis caused by splitting and scarring and I haven't yet found a great deal of information on partials here, it's predominantly full circumcisions.
I'd definitely be scheduling a follow up meeting the the surgeon/urologist just to make sure everything is progressing as it should and to ask questions.
Yeah thinking about booking a follow up with him, but about recovery apart from the cleaning issues, everything else has been absolutely fine, was extremely sensitive the first week or so, but petroleum jelly helped with that. Just make sure when you go for your op, they definitely take off enough foreskin. Mine is still quite tight could be from the swelling but will only be able to tell in the next few weeks. I’ll keep this post updated
I’m 9 days post op and have had very similar issues and I’m quite sure the Vaseline was behind it. It felt like a godsend to be able to have it make contact with things and not completely freak out but it’s made keeping it clean way harder (especially as I suffer from extreme sensitivity). Mine also looks partial, but it’s stitched under the head and the frenulum was cut, so I highly doubt secondary phimosis will happen - if you were cut similarly, I’d say you’ll be happy with the result (like I hope to be) once healed.
Having some remaining skin or “new foreskin” as I seem to have, should in theory mean whatever issues you had previously are resolved but you have a good chance of retaining that good kind of sensitivity.
I’ve found no Vaseline and tight pants works okay. Like kinda 🤣 but it’s helping me get used to contact and keeping the area dry
Good luck!
Hey, I also had a partial circumcision (dorsal slit) 2 weeks ago today and have to say there is not a lot of information out there or on here . It’s definitely been an interesting couple of weeks, the first week was pretty painful…night erections were severely painful because of the stitches, however one week on and the discomfort has really subsided.
Your surgeon should have been able to retract the foreskin after the surgery to make sure the cut is effective. We are all different and the healing process will also be different for us all, I think patience is key.