I dont want to do therapy, because its expensive, costs time and it isnt like i'm in danger or something seriousOr is that really my only option?
I have pretty big insecrities about m... - Men's Health Foru...
I have pretty big insecrities about my Penis and i have no one i can talk to about it. Does anyone know a place i can do that?

think you will find you are not alone, many guys have insecurities, but don’t talk about them.
That’s our problem, we don’t talk enough, could get an appointment with your doctor first and start from there, or like you have done chat here or in private chat
What's your issues I have a few myself
we are all in the same boat my friend. Everyone is different just like every penis is different. Everyone has things they are insecure about. I’m here to chat and talk you down from the ledge. Not to diminish any feelings you have or down play your insecurities but 9out of 10 times we are all just over thinking.
You are still relatively young. It’s best to address your issues now. Otherwise you will spend your whole adult life fretting and not enjoying the life you deserve.
Most men have similar thoughts at some time so you are not alone. If there is something physical wrong that you can see, such as lumps, discolouration or pain then go see your Doc' asap. If you think it more psychological, such as size, ED or urinating then there are things you can do and research yourself first.
Talking is a good place to start but Medical Help should not be excluded.
Look for free helplines in your country. Phone support can be very useful and, in the UK at least, there are a number of free services. If the first you try doesn't work out, you will usually be advised about a more relevant service to try.