hey i got circumcised 14 days ago and there like a small hard lump (shaped like a ball) it’s no squishy or anything it’s just hard sitting right behind my stitches should i be worried?
circumsision phimosis 3: hey i got... - Men's Health Foru...
circumsision phimosis 3
Have you had your post op visit with your surgeon? I am 3 months out and had an appointment with my doctor two days ago. I am pretty much healed, but still not completely done. My next appointment is in January. He said there is a long recovery from a circumcision because of the trauma caused to the tissues. The penis and surrounding tissues are spong-like and retain fluids. That is my issue. Good luck with your recovery.
At only 14 days from your circumcision you will have considerable swelling that hides the true state of your penis. Healing is a marathon, not a sprint, and you need to give your body time to heal fully (normally 6-8 weeks).
This 'lump' will probably resolve itself in due course but if you are worried about it then talk to the doctor who did the circumcision.
Have all the stitches either fallen out or been removed? If not, arrange for this to be done by the doctor (or practice nurse) and ask about the lump at the same time.