Hey guys, I'm 24. Noticed a few years ago my foreskin didnt easily retract but im fairly sexually inactive so not something i think about often. I dont think im an extreme case of phimosis but i still need some treatment to help with the problem. Do i commit to creams and stretching routines or do i skip all that and get a circumcision (not my prefered choice). Thanks.
Phimosis Concerns: Hey guys, I'm 2... - Men's Health Foru...
Phimosis Concerns

hey! Id go see a doctor to get a referral to a urologist. I thought I had phimosis cus my foreskin wasnt totally tight but it didnt retract completely. Turns out I had a short frenulum. After removing it with a very short surgery, like 5 minutes. My foreskin retracts all the way! I didnt loose feeling at all but gained stamina lol but you might not need circumcision i was also given steroid cream i used for like 2 weeks to loosen the skin a bit more and its all perfect now. Im also 24
Best to get it sorted now before you do become more sexually active. Don’t be embarrassed and arrange to see a doctor.
I am circumcised and I wouldn't recommend it. In my opinion it you should only go through that as a last resort.
I tried for 2 years creams drove me nutty, in the end day 5 now post op no itch like i was having. For me its worth it early days however , but buying and using steroid creams that long isnt good. This was last resort as above, nice finally wearing underpants again . Also im double your age so not like my sex life is a huge priority !
Not being able to retract will not stop you having a normal sex life. Though if you do pull back unexpectedly whilst inside it can be a little painful. I know !
I would try creams and stretching for now, leave Surgery as alast resort.
Good luck.
Had exactly the same issue so I got circumcised. I was sexually active before but wasn’t really able to feel anything if I’m being honest. I’m 4 weeks in after surgery and it’s healing ok but I haven’t been able to leave my house because I can’t put on pants. I’m trying everything to desensitise it but 23 years of not being exposed has made it really sensitive. I kind of regret it but having a bash feels sooo much nicer and I feel like when I have sex it’s gonna feel amazing. If you have time to be on bed rest I’d recommend but if your busy I wouldn’t do it