Is there an alternative to Vaseline on the head of my penis after circumcision, a lot are saying use coconut oil but there is so many of them.
Alternative to vaseline: Is there an... - Men's Health Foru...
Alternative to vaseline
Hi Jag if your wound is healed up you could try some Bio-Oil it will help to soften your scar and loosen up the skin after circumcision.
Hi, I’m 3 weeks tomorrow after op. For last week and a bit I’ve been using Salvlon advanced healing gel. I seem to almost completely healed. I’ve been wearing square sterile dressings over the head held in place by my underwear. For the first 2 week or so I had signs of a yellowish, pink and blood droplets on the dressing’s but that has now stopped. Some of the stitches have yet to desolve but the healing has been amazing!
Are you putting that on the frenulum part ?
No it's the tip near the pee hole
If the wound is closed use Bio oil or my consultant recommended E45 cream and to massage it well in but the cream not the lotion which is too thin
I'm applying neosporin ointment for the last 2 weeks... It has really helped with the sensitivity and it keeps the stitches from sticking to the gauze
I used Elastoplast Wound Healing Ointment. Similar to Vaseline but different and seemed to work better.
You could try baby oil very slippery, I use it with my phimosis... Soothing too. P
I'm surprised to read that so many guys 3 or 4 or more weeks post-op are still having to medicate their 'wound' and wear gauze covering? I wonder what kind of procedure you/they had? I'm 24 days post-op and my 'wound' (after a full circumcision) visually is all-but healed. My stitches have all dissolved (last one yesterday) - Obviously I'm nowhere near sexual function yet and wouldn't expect to be. I am from UK and my op was performed (free) by our amazing NHS using a local anesthesia (I was awake - not unconscious). I required no after-care pain remedy or dressings. For 2 weeks post-op I used Vaseline but stopped that last week. My surgeon said I could shower after 4 days (taking care not to allow too much water on stitches) but after a week to shower and clean normally. I've been showering daily and allowing the hot water to wash my 'wound' as normal for the past 10 or more days. I have had no discharge, sores or problems. Good luck - I wish you all a speedy and trouble-free recovery. 👍
In the UK Boots
I found Bio oil best, I then moved onto Cocoa butter massaged in daily.
Even Albolene. (Amazon)
People MIGHT get a skin reaction using oils, like Baby Oil.
Indeed. My surgeon specifically recommend I use (for 2 weeks) Vaseline and/or Sudocrem. Many of the products being recommended here might be ok for use on normal 'outer' skin (arms & legs etc) but I wonder if they're too harsh for fresh wounds? Were these products (do I mean) 'concoctions and potions' recommended by patients' doctors or surgeons, or are they just old-style Grannies cure-alls?
How about Palmers coca butter, it smells good and, makes you feel like you ate Hershey Bar
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