I'm on day 9 of recovery and this morning I woke up and noticed dried up blood on the underside of my penis, which was most likely due to an erection I had overnight, this is the first time I've bled since my penis stopped draining, is this normal or should I be concerned?
Circumcision bleeding erection normal? - Men's Health Foru...
Circumcision bleeding erection normal?
Yes mine bled a bit from the frenulum area a couple of times and like you from a nighttime erection. So probably nothing to worry about but if it persists maybe check in with your health care provider
Yeah if it keeps happening I will, thanks
I also noticed a couple small black spots near the frenulum as well, do you have any idea about those?
Without seeing them it does sound similar to something I had. I had a black spot at the frenulum where the stitches were tied off and I thought it was fluff off my sleeping shorts but when I tried to remove it discovered it was dried in blood that was embedded. Not sure if that's the case with you but it's a possibility. But if its causing you concern get it checked out.
I am on day seven, and what you have described has happened me yesterday and today. How did that fair out for you?
Bleeding like few drops of blood is normal, but avoidable. When you are on second week post-op, some of your stitches are loosening already and they turn harder than before. Stretching and tension due to erections will rip off the wound edges and a stitch won't stretch.