Everything has healed but I still get this weird feeling where I had my stitches. I don’t know if it’s from rubbing on my clothes or just friction but it is kind of annoying. It doesn’t hurt at all just feels like it’s getting pulled or rubbed on. Is this part of the healing process?
2 months post op: Everything has healed... - Men's Health Foru...
2 months post op
The healing process is not the same for all guys so I guess that this is part of yours. Have you used bio oil or similar on your scar?
I haven’t heard about that. What’s it supposed to do?
It can help fade scars.
Do you mean MEBO ointment? I just crossed the 4-week post-op mark, and I was prescribed that ointment to speed up the healing process.
That happens to me even now after 5 months post op! I have to keep on readjusting myself when I’m out for a jog!
Is this normal and will it go away? Like I said it doesn’t hurt it’s just very annoying
Not sure if it’s normal. However, with time it does get better!
It’s just annoying. If I don’t move I really don’t feel anything but if I do then I feel it. Not fun
Remember your penis was traumatized. Your highly sensitive foreskin was stuck with needles, clamped, pulled, cut, nerves and blood vessels severed. If you didn’t keep your foreskin retracted prior to getting circumcised, the head has to get used to permanently being exposed. After I was circumcised I felt little “shocks” around the scar line occasionally for around three months. The doctor said the foreskin is rich in nerves which were all cut and it would take time for the nerves to heal. The top of the incision will heal while the nerves, tissues and blood vessels underneath take significantly longer. Bottom line—it takes time to totally heal. You will be happy with your circumcision.
Im 2 months in as well and I am having this same odd/annoying feeling. Lets hope time makes it better!
I was first circumcised 20 years ago and then had a second operation just over two months ago to make the scar line neater. I have healed but I am still experiencing weird sensations that I think are similar to what you describe. It's likely that these will continue for a few more months - you've had skin cut off from a very sensitive part of your body, so it's completely natural that it will take quite a while for it to completely settle down.
Trojanfan ... You are looking at things too narrowly. It takes years to loose all feeling, which is why the foreskin and the glans are there in the first place ... to protect each other from harm. The only recourse open to you now is foreskin restoration.
It’s just on the top part of my shaft where the scar line is. Same for you all??
I think I’m feeling the same or a similar thing. It feels like when a T-shirt label is scratching your neck but on the scar line. I presume it goes with time. Is this the same feeling?