My foreskin is tight when I’m erect I need help
My foreskin is tight when I’m erect I... - Men's Health Foru...
My foreskin is tight when I’m erect I need help
Contact your doctor to assess the degree of phimosis and the treatment options. If appropriate, he can prescribe a steroid ointment that may allow you to stretch the tight foreskin and slacken it.
I mean I can pull the foreskin all the way back when I’m erect it’s just tight
Hidden You need to speak to a healthcare professional. Don’t be embarrassed.

Many recommend coconut oil. I find it makes my foreskin smoother and looser.
But when I use moisturizer it can pull back with ease

thin layer of castor oil. it has healing and many other properties and will help with this.
If it is painful go see Doc'. Otherwise regular gentle stretching may help ease it along with steroid cream or even oils as mentioned. has good tips.
Stretching loosened my foreskin up when I was younger. The stretching paid off over time as it works fine now with no problems at all.
Stop making multiple accounts asking for the same thing. Is this your 3rd or even 4th account, man?