I’ve lost almost all sensation in my penis since circumcision at age 69 on Dec 27 2018. Unable to ejaculate when having sex. It’s low and loose. Would high and tight revision help.
Loss of sensation : I’ve lost almost... - Men's Health Foru...
Loss of sensation

You need to be investigating why you have lost sensation. It could be as a result of the circumcision, age, underlying health condition (possibly undiagnosed) or emotional reasons. I doubt very much whether surgery will be the answer but I am not a doctor and that is who you should be talking to.
If your mind is fixed on the loss, of course you'll have hard time to reach orgasm.
I remember the first time I masturbate after circumcision, my mind was so set on how I used to feel, it was so difficult to get the O.
Then I realized the foreskin was no longer there, I had to accept it fully, so I set my mind to focus on sensation that was left, I immersed myself in the sensation on glans and frenulum, then boom, I had it, stronger than before. It's a smooth journey from there on.
Circumcision is cutting away the main sensory unit on penis, so you have to accept it and embrace new way to reach O.
In your case, since it had been persisted for years, maybe it's not the same with my situation, so I recommend you to seek help from a certified sex therapist. Definitely will help you find huge happiness in the little sensation that left on you.
Sorry to hear this. I agree you need to be checked physically for any correctable issues. Then seek help / guidance from a therapist specialising in this field. Good luck!
Whyme12, I feel your pain. You don’t need more surgery but you need to see a urologist skilled in male sexuality treatments. As men get older, nerve endings gradually disappear and it can take more stimulation to get an erection as well as reach climax. If you have other medical problems such as benign prostatic hypertrophy, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or depression , these can all add up and take their toll even more on your sexual experience/ response system. It is imperative that you find yourself a good board certified urologist who is thorough and up to date on the latest in male sexuality treatments. Be totally honest and upfront with your urologist. The urologist will do a complete and thorough exam which will include checking your testosterone levels. Are you able to still have hard rigid erections? If not, the urologist can give you medication or treatment for that. If you are unable to get a hard sustainable erection, your sensation will not be as great as it could be. Have you tried using a cock ring to make a harder erection? Do you regularly perform Kegel exercises to improve your erections and keep your male parts in the best possible condition? You might need to use a vacuum device to “sexercise” your penis. Do you still get erections while you are sleeping? If not, your urologist will need to work on that. Daily and nighttime erections are absolutely important to keep the tiny blood vessels in your penis healthy and prevent the tiny nerves from degenerating. Your urologist can do a painless procedure called Gainswave (high frequency/low intensity sound waves) that will regenerate your circulatory and nervous system in your penis. Have you tried using a vibrator for more stimulation? More specifically, have you tried using a vibrator on the frenulum area of the penis? Have you tried vibration on the perineum or prostatic massage? It is important not to suffer in silence and not give up. If you don’t use it, you will lose it. The penis rapidly atrophies without regular use. I am 66. I was circumcised at birth. I wish I still had a foreskin because I believe it protects the head of the penis from friction and keeps it moist. My 66 year old penile head is now dry and calloused. My urologist said that I have a normal looking circumcised penis for my age. It has experienced the ravages of time as all of my other body parts. My wife (married 40 years) is very patient and understanding. I had recently developed age related anorgasmia (delayed ejaculation— it would take up to 2 hours of stimulation to climax). Luckily I regularly see a wonderful urologist. He reassured me that what I was experiencing is normal in the aging male. He said, ALL OF OUR SENSES DIM AS WE GROW OLDER. He said it is very normal to require more stimulation to get and keep an erection and to climax. He told me not to stress over it because then I will become anxious and it will get even worse. My testosterone was low; so he has me on testosterone replacement. My wife and I now incorporate a vibrator or two during intercourse because the urologist said the penis will require more stimulation to climax than what the vagina will provide (especially an aging vagina). We use the Dr Ruth Eroscillator, Octopus Manbrator, Magic Wand vibrator, and Tenuto perineal stimulator to name a few. There are all kinds of great vibrators on the market, some specific for men. I sometimes use a silicone cock ring or Viagra or both whenever I feel the need to have a harder longer lasting erection. To further enhance penile sensation and achieve climax, my urologist prescribed Dostinex (cabergoline .5mg) twice a week. Works like a charm. In addition, he has me take a daily OTC supplement of 750mg L citrulline for nitric oxide. (The urologist said that as men age, our bodies make less nitric oxide and you need nitric oxide for good erections). Now I can climax within 20 minutes. That sure beats 2 hours. I have a 68 year old friend with a similar issue who Told me he uses Yohimbine HCl and that has worked for him (however Yohimbine can cause side effects with certain individuals). You are definitely not alone with loss of sensation and inability to climax. Many men are embarrassed to talk about this perhaps because they feel less manly, I don’t know. But this is what happens when you get older. Your penile blood vessels become constricted and brittle. Your nerves deteriorate. It hits some men sooner than others. It can be treated. Go see a good urologist and please keep us updated on your progress. It is important to keep using your male equipment or you will lose it. Good luck.

Fishman5. Good information. Thank you.