My penis can be pulled back over the head on flaccid but doesn’t go any further than over the head. It doesn’t pull back when erect tho. Any suggestions?
Tight foreskin: My penis can be pulled... - Men's Health Foru...
Tight foreskin

Hi Man, you could try some stretching exercises. How long has it been like this? it's good that you can retract when flaccid so to wash underneath that is important. you really should visit your GP they would prescribe some steroid creams for a short period which would help soften and loosen the skin and make the stretching easier.
It wasn’t like this before, usually it couldn’t retract at all. What type of stretching exercise do you recommend? And also any suggestions on how to clean smegma build up?
So it wasn't like this before and you could not retract at all even when flaccid?
If you can insert two fingers and gently pull apart and hold in that position do this several times a day and when you have erections pull your foreskin down as far as you can and hold it there. This site has some illustrations
If you can retract when you are flaccid it should be easy to clean the smegma off use a little soap and make sure and wash it off with water soaps or shower gels can irritate foreskin. Do you have any scarring to your foreskin?
But Really you should go to your doctor they can advise and we'll help you with some steroid cream.
Go to to learn the stretching exercises which will permanently cure the tightness. Read the entire article.
Coconut oil worked for me massage oil into your penis when flaccid and again with erection works great...