What should I do? Can it be straighten? Is this some condition?
severely curved penis: What should I do... - Men's Health Foru...
severely curved penis
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It looks as if you may have pyronies disease. Have you ever had any injuries to the penis? This is the usual reason. I to have a slight curve aswell mine was caused by a footy injury when i was young but mine is not curved enough to interfear with sex ect
Hi Man, it looks like pyronies disease you need to have it checked with your doctor they will give you a referral to see a urologist who I'm sure will be able to advise you. Just wondering do you also have phimosis as well?
It's probably Peyronie's Disease. It can be treated with a drug or with surgery. You should be examined and evaluated by a urologist to discuss your options.
I developed peyronies disease about 18 months ago. Sorry to say that I have read a lot and there isn't a huge amount that can be done. There are lots of non-surgical suggestions out there but most have no real medical evidence. The only non-surgical thing I have seen that with validated results is verapamil injections but these are extremely expensive and often not available on public or private medical schemes (Not in the UK at least). Even these do not guarantee results - they say the average improvement is 30%, but for some it might be more for others it might be nothing. To give you an idea if you have a bend of 60 degrees on average it will go to 42 degrees after thousands of dollars of treatment. Other than that there is surgery but that is quite gruesome will leave significant scarring and a reduction in length.
Go to see an andrologist as soon as possible - it is said that treatments are more effective if done earlier rather than later as over time the plaque hardens.
I want to clarify, as someone that had surgery to correct my curvature, that we've come a long way in these procedcures. They do not leave significant scarring and yes, there will be some length reduction the more pronounced the curvature is but procedures are now aimed towards minimizing that reduction.
In any case, if your curvature is so severe, you may prefer the reduction anyway.
Whilst not endorsing or recommending this organisation they have useful information on their website here
ive heard a penis stretcher can do it
I think it’s fairly clear that is an obvious case of peyronies. You need to see a doctor if you want to have a full sex life. There are procedures which can help address this.
If you have had this since you started having erections it could be congenital penile curvature and not Peyronie’s disease whichever condition, it is treatable you should consult with your GP for a referral to a specialist.
Hi Meteor, not a doc but this looks and sounds more like congenital (the way you were made, not something that happened). In a way you're lucky because it's only a small part that's curved at the base, the rest looks pretty straight so they only have to do that bit not the whole length. This is good because generally they take a little from the other side which can lead to a little shortening so they only have to do one place here (and you have plenty!) The other thing is that it is normal with most techniques to do circumcision at the same time. This allows them to use the skin to avoid scarring for a good looking result. Got a feeling you'll end up with a penis I'd be jealous of, good luck and go for it.