I am circumcised and I really like my frenulum structure, but I am nervous that after seeing a doctor who did a checkup 3 weeks ago. At one point he pulled on the head of my penis. It was not a hard pull, but I wasn’t sure why he did it, but regardless I am nervous about my frenulum. Does it still look attached. I remember feeling a slight irritation the next day, but there was no blood. My frenulum was always tight, which was a complication to my circumcision as an infant. I am trying to let my penis rest. Please let me know what you think?
Penis frenulum: I am circumcised and I... - Men's Health Foru...
Penis frenulum

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I think you’ve got a frenulum fixation

I think you are right lol.
I know that my experience won’t be the same for everyone, but I am more sensitive since I had my frenulum removed. I was never that sensitive there and it definitely feels better since.
I wonder if there has been any research on why nerve removal would increase sensation.
I don’t know. I read somewhere years ago (don’t ask me where) that there might be more nerves in the skin under the frenulum and so some men may find having that bit exposed produces more sensation, but I don’t know whether that’s true or not.
The dorsal nerve of the penis innervates the glans, including the frenulum which is also innervated by a branch of the perineal nerve. Branches of the dorsal nerve of the penis extend through the glans ventrolaterally. The frenulum has two nerves as opposed to one for the glans etc.
I’m sure you’re right! Of course, we all feel different things, like different partners of mine have preferred some sensations to others.

I understand, but did my frenulum look more complete before I saw this doctor:
Regardless of what I wanted; it wasn’t my choice because I was circumcised as an infant. Did my frenulum look more complete in previous picture:
I don’t have a wife lol. Currently in the process of looking for one.
Don’t think I’ve ever got to ejaculation just by that. Usually sex for us consists of more than one thing.
I’ll bear it in mind!
I'm uncut and my frenulum is tight too. The difference is mine is almost paper-thin, which, I imagine, makes it easier for me to hurt myself. It's happened before and it's the most annoying thing.
it looks like they did a small cut to release the frenulum tightness - to lengthen it - detached it from the glans - it's still there - if it is still too tight they can release it some more at the Dr's
Looks fine, depending on how initial circumcision was done, some may remain. As long as no discomfort, a successful revision. Personally to me it does not look excessive or tight. The reason I needed an adult circumcision-be well